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维生素C  巴德维疗法  松花粉  运动疗法 阳光疗法  抗衰老  抗病毒/乙肝   English




Vaccines and how do vaccines work?

Coronavirus Covid-19 Studies 新冠状病毒肺炎研究

制造疫苗-疫苗是如何制造的 Making Vaccines: How Are Vaccines Made?

抗体的种类 Type of Antibodies

Mechanics of Viral Infection

病毒的基本特征 What are the essential characteristics of viruses

Hepatitis B: The Creation and Destruction of a Virus

乙肝病毒感染 Hepatitis B Infection

神奇的肝脏-唯一可以再生的器官 Liver the only Organ that Can Regenerate


人体神奇的免疫系统 The Magical Immune System of Human Body

被忽视的血液过滤器:你的脾脏如何工作? How Does Your Spleen Work?

人体免疫系统的进化,从婴儿到老年 Evolution of the immune system immune system in humans from infancy to old age

身体细胞的武士精神-细胞自杀是生命必需的一部分 Cell Suicide An Essential Part of Life

程序性细胞死亡(细胞凋亡)  Programmed Cell Death (Apoptosis)

凋亡诱导剂 激活和抑制细胞凋亡 Apoptosis Inducers Activation and Inhibitation of Apoptosis

病毒阻止已感染病毒的细胞进行自杀 Myxoma Virus M11L Blocks Apoptos

细胞凋亡检测-你的细胞如何选择死亡 Monitoring Apoptosis-How Your Cells Prefer to Die

大自然的智慧:类似均匀和非均匀的芬顿反应使病毒失活 Virus Inactivation by Fenton-like Processess

人体内的过氧化氢 Hydrogen Peroxide in the Human Body

过氧化氢的光解-羟基自由基形成的一个有效消毒系统 Photolysis of hydrogen peroxide, an effective disinfection system via hydroxyl radical formation

生命的神奇-过氧化氢酶保护我们免受危险的反应性氧化分子 Catalase protects us from dangerous reactive oxidative molecules

过氧化氢对caspase活性的双重调节 对细胞凋亡的影响 Dual regulation of caspase activity by hydrogen peroxide:implications for apoptosis

过氧化氢上调人类内皮细胞的死亡受体Fas  Hydrogen peroxide induces up-regulation of Fas in human endothelial cells

外源性过氧化氢对小牛肺动脉和人脐静脉内皮细胞死亡,活性氧和谷胱甘肽水平的影响 The effects of exogenous H2O2 on cell death, reactive oxygen species and glutathione levels in calf pulmonary artery and human umbilical vein endothelial cells

过氧化氢通过芬顿反应在体内和体外对DNA的毒性作用 Toxic DNA damage by H2O2 through the Fenton reaction in vivo and in vitro

用于选择性癌细胞根除的过氧化氢酶调节的非均相芬顿反应 Catalase-Modulated heterogeneous Fenton Reaction for selective cancer cells eradication

Extracellular iron diminishes anticancer effects of vitamin C: An in vitro study of Fenton reaction

过氧化氢通过线粒体途径诱导HeLa细胞凋亡 Hydrogen peroxide induces apoptosis in Hela cells through mitochondrial pathway

过氧化氢通过芬顿反应诱导细胞自杀 Hydrogen peroxide induces apoptosis via Fenton reaction mediated oxidative stress

抗坏血酸(维生素C)与单线态氧反应产生过氧化氢 Ascorbate Reacts with Singlet Oxygen to Produce Hydrogen Peroxide

光动力疗法 单线态氧疗法作为广谱包膜病毒进入抑制剂 Photodynamic therapy-Singlet Oxygen Therapy as a broad-spectrum enveloped virus entry inhibitor

光动力灭活细菌中单线态氧和氧浓度的作用 The role of singlet oxygen and oxygen concentration in photodynamic inactivation of bacteria

光动力灭活哺乳动物病毒和噬菌体 Photodynamic Inactivation of Mammalian Viruses and Bacteriophages

医药中的光敏剂 Photosensitizers in Medicine


内源性光敏剂-血红素、血卟啉、胆绿素和胆红素的光动力作用 The photodynamic action of heme, porphyfrin and bilirubin

新生儿和成人的胆红素水平 需要光疗的黄疸水平 Bilirubin levels in Newborns and Adults, Normal and Jaundice Level

胆红素对老鼠大脑和肝脏细胞色素C酶活性的影响 Effect of bilirubin on cytochrome C oxidase activity of mitochondria from mouse brain and liver

Bilirubin, a Curse and a Boon

Bilirubin inhibits the up-regulation of inducible nitric oxide synthase

The Role of Bilirubin in Diabete, Metabolic Syndrome, and Cardiovascular Diseases

光线照射核黄素(即维生素B2)产生单线态氧和光动力疗法 Singlet Oxygen Generation by UVA Light Exposure of Endogenous Photosensitizers

维生素B2作为光敏剂对健康和食物质量的影响 Riboflavin as a photosensitizer,Effcts on human health and food quality

维生素B2催化维生素C的光氧化 Vitamin B2 accelerates photooxidation of vitamin C

黄素自荧光的新发现 New Light in Flavin Autofluorescence

Endogenous Generation of Singlet Oxygen and Ozone in Human and Animal Tissues

过氧化氢和次氯酸盐对老鼠心肌细胞线粒体膜电位的影响 Effects of hydrogen peroxide and hypochlorite on membrane potential of mitochondria in situ in rat heart cells

过氧化氢通过细胞内超氧化物的产生诱导人TRAIL抗性黑素瘤中的细胞死亡 Hydrogen peroxide induces cell death in human TRAIL-resistant melanoma through intracellular superoxide generation

过氧化氢(H2O2)诱导老鼠肌细胞凋亡 Apoptotic signaling induced by H2O2-mediated oxidative stress in differentiated C2C12 myotubes

叶绿素a代谢物,包括血液中植物卟啉的光动力学 Photodynamic chlorophyll a metabolites, including phytoporphyrin (phylloerythrin), in the blood of photosensitive livestock

抗微生物的光动力疗法 以叶绿素为光敏剂杀死变形链球菌 Antimicrobial photodynamic therapy: Chlorophyll as a photosensitizer against S.mutans

铜催化的抗坏血酸氧化产生过氧化氢和羟基自由基 Generation of hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radical resulting from oxygen-dependent oxidation of ascorbic acid via copper redox-catalyzed reactions

维生素C对癌细胞的毒性作用主要是产生过氧化氢 癌细胞的抗性取决于癌细胞的过氧化氢酶活性 Natural resistance to ascorbic acid induced oxidative stress is mainly mediated by catalase activitiy in human cancer cells


过氧化氢诱导人类牙龈成纤维细胞凋亡 Hydrogen peroxide-induced apoptosis in human gingival fibroblasts

卟啉化合物抑制乙肝病毒逆转录酶-ɛRNA相互作用 Inhibition of HepaDNAvirus reverse transscriptase RNA interaction by Porphyrin Compounds

过氧化物酶催化和氧化还原信号传导中的硫醇化学 Thiol Chemistry in Peroxidase Catalysis and Redox Signaling

过氧化氢气体雾化系统灭活鸭乙型肝炎病毒  Inactivation of duck hepatitis B virus by a hydrogen peroxide gas plasma sterization system

过氧化氢在水溶液中氧化硫醇机理的分子基础 Molecular basis of the mechanism of thiol oxidation by hydrogen peroxide in aqueous solution

碳酸氢盐催化的半胱氨酸和相关的硫醇的过氧化氢氧化 Bicarbonated-catalyzed hydrogen peroxide oxidation of cysteine and related thiols

单线态氧和过氧化氢对一个腐殖质湖泊细菌的对比作用 Contrasting Effects of Singlet Oxygen and Hydrogen Peroxide on Bacterial Community Composition in a Humic Lake

N-acetylcysteine prevents glucose/glucose oxidase-induced oxidative stress, mitochondria damage and apoptosis in H9c2 cells

细胞膜动力学和脂质化合物诱导细胞凋亡 Cell membrane dynamics and the induction of apoptosis by lipid compounds

细胞膜上的欧米茄-3脂肪酸:一个统一的概念 Omega-3 fatty acids in cellular membranes:an unified concept

Oleandrin induces apoptosis in human

High glucose-induced Ca2 + overload  and oxidative stress contribute to apoptosis of cardiac cells through mitochondria dependent and independent pathway

The Health Benefits of Glucose Oxidase

Liquid DNA behind virus attacks

人体如何抵抗病毒 How Does the Body Fight off a Virus?

What is an antiviral substance produced in the human body by virus infected cells

抗体中和病毒 Virus neutralization by antibodies

干扰素和病毒感染 Interferons and Viral Infections

病毒感染期间干扰素的诱导和调节 Induction and regulation of Interferons during viral infections

干扰素激活和先天性免疫 Interferon activation and innate immunity

鼻病毒-引起普通感冒的鼻病毒和干扰素 Rhinovirus, the virus that causes common cold and interferon

传染病和干扰素 Infectious diseases and Interferons

干扰素治疗的缺点是什么 What are the disadvantages of interferon therapy?

Hypoxia and Cells of the Innate Immune System

Innate immune responses in hepatitis Virus (HBV) Infection

Distinct metabolic programs in activated T cells: opportunities for selective immunomodulation

Targeting T cell metabolism to regulate T cell activation, differentiation and function in disease

T-cell responses in hepatitis B and C virus infection: Similarities and differences

伦敦大学学院 乙肝病毒复制的CD+8 T细胞控制 细胞溶解和非细胞溶解功能的对比 CD8+ T Cell Control of Hepatitis B Virus Replication: Direct Comparison between Cytolytic and Noncytolytic Functions

乙型肝炎病毒特异性细胞毒性T细胞在肝脏损伤和病毒控制中的作用 Role of hepatitis B virus specific cytotoxic T cells in liver damage and viral control

Interleukin-2 in the development and control of inflammatory disease

Intrinsic and Tumor Microenvironment-Induced Metabolism Adaptation of T Cells and Impact on Their Differentiation and Function

Metabolic Pathways in T cell Fate and Function

Activation specific metabolic requirements for NK cell IFN-gamma production

Interleukin 15 biology and relevance to human disease

What Fuels Natural Killers Metabolism and NK Cell Response

自然氧气疗法 使用不饱和脂肪酸 Natural Oxygen Therapy with unsaturated fatty acids

提高肝细胞的血氧可以改变代谢和基因的表达 (肝细胞体外培养)Improved oxygenation dramatically alters metabolism and gene expression in cultured primary mouse hepacytes

高压氧治疗改善肝移植后出现的肝动脉血栓形成和胆汁淤积 Therapeutic Effect of Hyperbaric Oxygen in Hepatic Artery Thrombosis and Functional Cholestasis After Orthotopic Liver Transplantation

The effect of rectal ozone on the portal vein oxygenation and pharmacokinetics of drug propranolol in liver cirrhosis

香港大学 流感病毒直接感染人NK细胞在NK复制并诱导NK细胞自杀Influenza Virus Directly Infects human natural killer cells and induces cell apoptosis

对金刚乙胺敏感和耐药的流感病毒变种的溶血性和神经氨酸酶活性呈明显的pH依赖性(pH 5.0~6.5) pH-dependent hemolytic and neuraminidase activity of Remantadine-sensitive and -resistant variants of influenza virus

Neuraminidase Inhibitors

Study Neuraminidase Inhibitors and the Influenza Virus

Neuraminidase Sialidase Protocol, The optimal pH for the enzyme is 5.5 to 6.2

The Low pH Stability Discovered in Neuraminidase of 1918 Pandemic Influenza A Virus Enhance Virus Replication

耶鲁大学:当你的体温降低时 身体的防御机制失灵 病毒入侵和扩散 Yale University: Cold Viruses Attack When Your Immune System is Cold

Why can all of your cells commit suicide

Researchers discover how a common virus cheats death

Foot cream causes HIV-infected cells to commit suicide study says

New Drug Cures Multiple Viruses

High Doses of Vitamin C Could Rid the Body of the Ebola Virus

Vitamin C Kills Viruses

埃博拉病毒的神奇解决方案 Surprising solution to Ebola Virus By Thomas Levy

维生素C 实验室试验表明有抗艾滋病毒HIV的作用 Vitamin C: Lab tests indicate AntiVirus Effect

纽约血液中心 用脂肪酸杀灭血清中的乙肝病毒的专利 Patent:Inactivation of Hepatitis Virus in Blood Plasma using Fatty Acids

脂肪酸和单甘油酯可以杀死包膜病毒 Inactivation of enveloped viruse

有抗菌作用的游离脂肪酸和单甘油酯 生物活性,实验检测和治疗应用 Antibacterial Free Fatty Acids and Monoglycerides; Biologicall Activities, Experimental Testing and Therapeutic Applications

上海交大 饱和脂肪诱发脂肪肝 但会抑制慢性乙肝患者的病毒复制 Saturated fatty acids inhibit virus replication in chronic hepatitis B infection with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

The Use of Vitamin C as an Antibiotic Fred R.Klenner,M.D

Vitamin C and Polio The Forgotten Research of Claus W.Jungeblut,M.D.

乙肝病毒引发乙肝患者的免疫细胞自杀 Hepatitis B virus triggers cell suicide in patients with chronic infection

在古代人类遗骸中发现的新型乙型肝炎病毒菌株 New strains of hepatitis B virus discovered in ancient human remains

维生素C可以治愈带状疱疹 Reverse Shingles with Vitamin C by Thomas Levy, M.D.

胆酸盐肝摄取转运体(NTCP)是乙肝病毒进入肝细胞的通道 Bile Acid Transporter Open the Door for HBV Entry

古代恐龙鸟类感染了乙肝-8200万年前乙肝病毒感染鸟类 Ancient Dinosaur Birsds Were Infected with Hepatitis B 82 Million Years Ago

河北医科大学 姜黄素可以抑制乙肝病毒的复制 Curcumin Can Inhibits HBV Replication

乙肝难治的原因-供价闭合环状DNA(cccDNA)  HBV cccDNA: viral persistence reservoir and key obstable for a cure of chronic hepatitis B



闻玉梅院士 奋战乙肝三十年 治疗性乙肝疫苗可6针控制乙肝

德国慕尼黑工业大学 新的乙肝疫苗可能最终提供一种解决方案 Technical University of Munich, New Therapeutic Vaccine for Hepatitis B May Offer A Cure

德国慕尼黑工业大学:感染乙肝病毒的肝细胞自杀阻止了传染性病毒的释放 Apoptosis of Hepatitis B Virus-Infected Hepatocytes Prevents Release of Infectious Virus

Apoptosis is an innate defense function of macrophages against Mycobacterium tuberculosis

肝硬化患者肝动脉 门静脉氧含量及提取 Hepatic arterial and portal venous oxygen content and extraction in liver cirrhosis

乙型肝炎 所有你必须知道的 Hepatitis B: All You Must Know About It

希波克拉底健康研究院 叶绿素 提高血氧 净化肠道和肝脏 预防癌症 Chlorophyll-Inreases blood oxygen, detox intestines and liver, protection from cancer

Why Take Chlorophyll – Why Alkalize Your Body?

叶绿素 一种神奇的自然疗法  Chlorophyll An Amazing Natural Remedy

姜黄素抑制所有的丙肝病毒进入肝细胞  Turmeric curcumin inhibits entry of hepatitis C virus genotypes into human liver cells

德国汉诺威大学 绿茶多酚抑制丙型肝炎病毒进入肝细胞 The Green Tea Polyphenol Inhibits Hepatitis C Virus Entry

姜黄如何影响肝炎 How Does Turmeric Impact Hepatitis?

姜黄素可以抑制寨卡病毒 艾滋病毒 疱疹病毒 乙肝病毒等病毒 Curcumin from Turmeric Inhibits Zika, HIV, Herpes, Hepatitis B and Other Viruses



柠檬烯 在癌症化学预防和治疗中的可能作用 抗炎和促进癌细胞自杀

月桂烯的药理作用 Myrcene: There's more to Marijuana Than Cannabinoids

当心脏杀死肝脏时 充血性心力衰竭继发急性肝衰竭

酒精增加肝脏的耗氧量 导致缺氧性肝损伤 Hypermetabolic State and Hypoxic Liver Damage

高脂肪饮食会导致肝细胞缺氧和线粒体功能失调 High fat diet induces dysfunction of hepatic oxygen gradients and mitochondria function in vivo

胆汁酸可以抑制肠道轮状病毒 Inhibitory Effects of Bile Acids on Rotavirus Replication

胆汁有抗菌作用 胆酸盐可以抑制肠道金黄色葡萄球菌 In Vitro Antibacterial Activity of Bile Salts on Staphylococcus Aureus

肝脏温度升高有效增强人体细胞免疫应答 T细胞活化和可能的单核细胞移位 Increased liver temperature efficiently augment human cellular immune response: T cell activation

New Antiviral Protein Discovered In Human Body

UCLA-led researchers identify virus-blocking compound oxysterol

乙型肝炎病毒颗粒优选诱导Kupffer细胞产生TGF-β1而不是促炎细胞因子 Hepatitis B virus particles preferably induce Kupffer cells to produce TGF-Beta1 over pro-inflammatory cytokines

南加州大学的研究人员可能发现了治疗慢性乙型肝炎的方法 治愈乙肝只需一个月 USC researchers discover potential cure for chronic hepatitis B

通过缺氧调节人巨噬细胞M1-M2极化平衡和在髓样细胞上表达的触发受体  Regulation of Human Macrophage M1-M2 Polarization Balance by Hypoxia\

分泌干扰素gammaa的细胞和干扰素gamma的生物活性 Bioactivity of Interferon gamma

Interferon-γ switches monocyte differentiation from dendritic cells to macrophages

Macrophage M1/M2 Polarization Dynamically Adapts to Changes in Cytokine Microenvironments in Cryptococcus neoformns Infection

糖酵解对Th1细胞分化和干扰素-gamma 产生是必需的 Mannose Metabolism (Glycolysis) is Essential for Th1 Differentiation and IFN-gamma Production

哥本哈根大学:维生素D对激活免疫防御至关重要 University of Copenhagen: Vitamin D crucial to activating immune defenses

Distinct Glycolytic and Lipid Oxidative Metabolic Programs Are Essential for Effector and Regulatory CD4+ T Cells

Activating Macrophages and NK Cells by Th1 Cells

Lactobacilli activate human dendritic cells that skew T cells toward T helper 1 polarization

Probiotic Lactobacillus modulation of cellular immune response

Heart attacks,chronic fatigue syndrom,herpes virus infection the vagus nerve

病毒性肠胃炎 Viral Gastroenterititis

乙肝久治不愈的原因-免疫力低下(免疫缺陷) Hepatitis B Progression


庄辉 翁心华教授:慢性乙肝抗病毒之路依然任重道远

庄辉院士 目前临床上常用的干扰素类药物及其特点

长效干扰素巨噬细胞集落刺激因子联合核苷酸类治疗乙肝 72周 乙肝表面抗原转转阴率26%

孤立的迷走神经麻痹可能与单纯疱疹病毒感染有关 Isolated vagus nerve palsy probably associated with herpes simplex virus infection

口腔的单纯疱疹病毒可以感染胃肠道和粘膜神经元和神经纤维 Oral Inoculation with Herpes Simplex Virus Infects Enteric Neurons and Mucosal Nerve Fibers within the Gut in Mice

单纯疱疹病毒1型感染肠神经元并通过巨噬细胞招募引发肠道功能失调 Herpes Simplex Virus Infects Enteric Neurons and Triggers Gut Dysfunction via Macrophage Recruitment

重庆医科大学 维生素B3,烟酰胺可以抑制乙肝病毒复制 The SIRT1 inhibitor, nicotiamide, inhibits hepatitis B virus replication in vitro and in vivo

维生素B3, 烟酰胺抑制肝纤维化 Nicotiamide induces apoptosis and reduces fibrosis in liver

缺氧在肝纤维化中的作用 Role of hypoxia-inducible factors in the development of liver fibrosis

HIF prolyl和asparaginyl羟化酶对细胞内氧气水平的生物反应 HIF prolyl and asparaginyl hydroxylase in the biological response to intracellular O2 levels

羟基化和羟化酶 Hydroxylation and Hydroxylases

缺氧诱导因子在肝脏疾病和肝癌中的作用 Hypoxia inducible factors in liver disease and hepatocellular carcinoma

PD-L1是缺氧诱导因子的直接靶点 在缺氧条件下阻断PD-L1增强 MDSC介导的T细胞活化 、PD-L1 is a novel direct target of HIF-1a and its blockage under hypoxia enhanced:MDSC-mediated T cell activation

Programmed cell death protein 1 and PD-L1, PD-L2

PD-L1 is induced in hepatocytes by viral infection and by interferon-alpha and gamma and mediates T cell apoptosis

Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1-induced FasL Expression in Human Monocytic Cells and Its Implications for Cell Death, Viral Replication, and Immune Evasion

Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes Derived from patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection kill bystander cells via Fas-FasL interation

FasL Expression in Hepatic APC and phagocytosis of apoptotic T cells by FasL+ Kupffer cells

Acute pancreatitis induces FasL gene expression and apoptosis in the liver

Lipopolysaccharides induced increases in Fas ligand expression by Kupffer cells via mechanisms dependent on reactive oxygen species

乙型肝炎和丙型和丙型肝炎病毒引起的肝炎:细胞凋亡,自噬和未折叠的蛋白质反应 Hepatitis B and C virus-induced hepatitis: apoptosis, autophagy,and unfolded protein response

干扰素增强病毒诱导的细胞自杀 Alpha/Beta Interferons Potentiate virus-induced apoptosis through activation of the FADD/Caspase-8 death signaling pathway

Type 1 Interferons and Antiviral CD8 T-Cell Response

体外研究 蜂蜜可以杀死流感病毒 Anti-influenza viral effects of honey in vitro

肝脏的代谢分区 氧气水平对代谢的影响  Metabolic zonation of the liver: The oxygen gradient revisited

蜂蜜,蜂王浆的抗单纯疱疹病毒效果优于阿昔洛韦 Antiviral activities of Honey, Royal Jelly, and Acyclovir against HSV-1

体外研究 蜂蜜可以杀死流感病毒 Anti-influenza viral effects of honey in vitro

甘草的抗病毒和抗微生物作用 The antiviral and antimicrobial activities of locorice, a widely-used Chinese herb

植物皂苷的抗病毒活性  Mechanism of antiviral activity of saponins

Glucose Deprivation Inhibits Multiple Gene Expression Events and Effector T Cell Functions

Dehydroascorbic acid uptake by coronary artery smooth muscle: effect of intracellular acidification

An intimate crosstalk between iron homeostasis and oxygen metabolism regulated by the hypoxia-inducible factors

丙肝天价治疗药的原因  Hepatitis C Treatment Costs:What You Should Know

治疗丙肝的天价药Sofosbuvir的作用机制 - Sofosbuvir Mechanism of Action-How Sofosbuvir Fight of Hepatitic C Virus

细胞内的消化器官-溶酶体的主要功能 A Brief Understanding of the Major Functions of Lysosomes

病毒接种物的剂量影响乙型肝炎病毒感染的结果 The Size of Viral Inoculum Contributes to the Outcome of Hepatitis B Virus Infection

钠离子/牛黄胆汁酸转运蛋白(NCTP)在肝细胞感染病毒中毒的作用 Bile acids transportor regulate innate antiviral immune response targeting virus infection of Hepatocytes

钠离子/牛磺胆酸转运蛋白是乙肝病毒受体-HBV进入肝细胞的通道 Identification of NTCP as a HBV receptor: The Beginning of the End or the End of the Beginning

维生素C可以灭活狂犬病毒(体外实验) In vitro inactivation of the rabies virus by ascorbic acid

肝巨噬细胞Kupffer细胞在肝病发病机制中的作用 Role of liver macrophages Kupffer cells in pathogenesis of liver disease

The Biological Function of Kupffer Cells in Liver Disease

Kupffer Cells in the Liver

Kupffer Cell Metabolism and Function

肝星状细胞在肝脏发育再生和形成在中的作用 Hepatic stellate cells in liver development, regeneration and cancer

肝星状细胞通过缺氧诱导因子,调节巨噬细胞表型,指挥坏死细胞的清除 Hepatic Stellate Cells orchestrate clearance of necrotic cells in a hypoxia-inducible factor-1a-dependent manner by modulating macrophage phenotype in mice

Cooperation of liver cells in health and disease

Hepatic nonparenchymal cells drive metastatic breast cancer outgrowth and partial epithelial to mesenchaymal trasition

肝毒性化学物质和缺氧对肝脏非实质细胞的影响 Effect of hepatotoxic chemicals and hypoxia on hepatic nonparenchymal cells: Impairment of phagocytosis by Kupffer cells and disruption of the endothelium

肝星状细胞通过调节小鼠巨噬细胞表型 指挥缺氧诱导因子-1a依赖性坏死细胞的清除 Hepatic Stellate Cells orchestrate clearance of necrotic cells in a hypoxia-inducible factor-1a-dependent manner by modulating macrophage phenotype in mice

肝窦内皮细胞和肝脏再生 Liver sinusoidal endothelial cells and liver regeneration

Sinusoidal Endothelial Cells Prevent rat stellate cell activation and promote reversion too quiescence

Looking for New HPV Cure on the way, research 2018 news update revealed breakthrough

Antiviral and Antibacterial Actibacterial actions of monolaurin and lauric acid


胆红素不仅是肝功能的指标 还保护心血管

T Cell Response to Viral Infections

Structure of coronavirus hemagglutinin-esterase offers insight into corona and influenza virus evolution

乳铁蛋白的抗病毒特性 Antiviral Properties of Lactoferrin

GcMaf Studies

免疫系统对病毒的反应 Immune responses to viruses

呼吸道上皮细胞控制肺的先天性免疫 Respiratory epithelial cells orchestrate pulmonary innate immunity

Alveolar type 2 progenitor cells for lung injury repair

Atomization Therapy for Lung Disease

Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Heparan Sulfate: From Attachment to Entry Inhibition

Role of host cellular proteases in the pathogenesis of influenza and influenza-induced multiple organ failure

The Role of Oxidative Stress in Viral Infections

Viral-induced FasL kills viral-infected cells and immune cells

Induction of apoptosis and subsequent phasocytosis of virus-infected cells as an antiviral mechanism

Intravenous vitamin C as adjunctive therapy for enterovirus and rhinovirus induced acute respiratory distress syndrome

A role of neutrophils in viral respiratory disease

Natural Killer Cells

Immunomodulatory and antimicrobial effects of vitamin C

Mitochondria transfer via tunneling manotubes is an important mechanism by which mesenchymal stem cells enhance macrophage phagocytosis in the vitro and in vivo models of ARDS

The role of macrophages in influenza A virus infection

Monocytes and Macrophages as Viral Targets and Reservoirs

List of AMPK Enzyme Activators and the Benefits of AMPK Activation

Anti-inflammatory effect of retinoic acid on prostaglandin synthesis in cultured cortical astrocytes

Virus Infections in the Nervous System

Update on Myocarditis

NFkB in Central Nervous System

Natural killer cells and autoimmunity

Membrane Phospholipid PLA2 and Inflammation

Evidence for antiviral effect of nitric oxide

Picornaviruses family 

iNOS Arginases and Macrophage

Arginase: an emerging key player in the mammalian immune system

MIT:New antiviral drug could cure nearly any viral infection-including the common cold

Apoptosis induced in vitro and in vivo during viral Infection

Th1-Th2-Th17 Pro-Inflammatory vs Anti-Inflammatory Responses

Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Vitamin D on Human Immune Cells in the Context of Bacterial Infection

How Corticosteroids Control Inflammation

Th17 Cells Require You to Chew before You Swallow

Natural-Born Killers Enlisted To Fight Anthrax

Does cholesterol play a role in the bacterial selectivity of Antimicrobial Peptides?

Antimicrobial effect of acidified nitrite on gut pathogens: importance of dietary nitrate in host defense









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