Natural killer cells and autoimmunity


Natural Killer Cells
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Philipp Eissmann, Imperial College, London, UK

Natural Killer (NK) Cells are lymphocytes in the same family as T and B cells, coming from a common progenitor. However, as cells of the innate immune system, NK cells are classified as group I Innate Lymphocytes (ILCs) and respond quickly to a wide variety of pathological challenges. NK cells are best known for killing virally infected cells, and detecting and controlling early signs of cancer. As well as protecting against disease, specialized NK cells are also found in the placenta and may play an important role in pregnancy.

NK cells were first noticed for their ability to kill tumour cells without any priming or prior activation (in contrast to cytotoxic T cells, which need priming by antigen presenting cells).
They are named for this ‘natural’ killing. Additionally, NK cells secrete cytokines such as IFNγ and TNFα, which act on other immune cells like Macrophage and Dendritic cells to enhance the immune response.

While on patrol NK cells constantly contact other cells. Whether or not the NK cell kills these cells depends on a balance of signals from activating receptors and inhibitory receptors on the NK cell surface. Activating receptors recognise molecules that are expressed on the surface of cancer cells and infected cells, and ‘switch on’ the NK cell. Inhibitory receptors act as a check on NK cell killing. Most normal healthy cells express MHC I receptors which mark these cells as ‘self’. Inhibitory receptors on the surface of the NK cell recognise cognate MHC I, and this ‘switches off’ the NK cell, preventing it from killing. Cancer cells and infected cells often lose their MHC I, leaving them vulnerable to NK cell killing. Once the decision is made to kill, the NK cell releases cytotoxic granules containing perforin and granzymes, which leads to lysis of the target cell.

Natural killer cells - figure 1

The genes for both MHC I and the NK cell inhibitory receptors which recognise them vary a lot between individuals. The versions (or alleles) of these genes a person carries have been linked to their ability to fight HIV infection and their risk of some autoimmune diseases. NK cell varieties also change with age and are affected by chronic viral infections such as cytomegalovirus (CMV).

Because of their ability to kill tumour cells, NK cells are an attractive target for cancer immunotherapies. Some therapeutic monoclonal antibodies rely on NK cell killing. Researchers are also developing treatments to activate NK cells using small molecules or cytokines, and even testing genetically modified living NK cells as therapies

Natural Killer Cells | British Society for Immunology



02-13 23:17









该研究前瞻性纳入北京地坛医院于2020年1月13日至1月31日收治的61例新冠肺炎患者,采用LASSO COX回归分析重症患者的预测因素。


来源:Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio Predicts Severe Illness Patients with 2019 Novel Coronavirus in the Early Stage. medRvix, Posted February 12, 2020.


Neutrophil in Viral Infections, Friend or Foe?
Polymorphonuclear leukocytes or neutrophils are the first immune cells to the site of injury and microbial infection. Neutrophils are crucial players in controlling bacterial and fungal infections, and in particular secondary infections, by phagocytosis, degranulation and neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs).

Cited by: 61
Publish Year: 2013
Author: Brandon D. Drescher, Fengwei Bai
A Role for Neutrophils in Viral Respiratory Disease
May 12, 2017 · Thus, there is evidence that the role of neutrophils in viral infections of the respiratory system is not limited to inflammation, but likely includes recovery from infection and the initiation of adaptive immunity (74, 138, 284).

Cited by: 29
Publish Year: 2017
Author: Jeremy V. Camp, Colleen B. Jonsson


CIK(cytokine-induced killer),中文名:[自体细胞免疫疗法]多种细胞因子诱导的杀伤细胞

CIK(cytokine-induced killer),中文名:[自体细胞免疫疗法]多种细胞因子诱导的杀伤细胞。由于该种细胞同时表达CD3+和CD56+两种膜蛋白分子,故又被称为NK细胞样T淋巴细胞,兼具有T淋巴细胞强大的抗瘤活性和NK细胞的非MHC限制性杀瘤优点。因此,应用CIK细胞被认为是新一代抗肿瘤过继细胞免疫治疗的首选方案。CIK细胞中的效应细胞CD3+和CD56+细胞在正常人外周血中较少,仅1%-5%。

所谓CIK细胞,就是将人的外周血单个核细胞在体外用多种细胞因子[如抗CD3单抗(CD3McAb)、白细胞介素-2(IL-2)、干扰素-γ、 (IFN -γ)和IL—1α等]共同培养一段时间后获得的,具有非主要组织相容性抗原(MHC)限制性杀瘤活性的一群异质细胞。 [1]
CIK细胞中的效应细胞CD3+CD56+细胞在正常人外周血中极其罕见,仅1%~5%,在体外经多因子培养28~30天,CD3+CD56+细胞迅速增多,较培养前升幅可达1000倍以上。 [2] 实验证明,扩增出的CD3+CD56+细胞来源于CD3+CD56-T细胞,而CD3-CD56+NK细胞。同时发现在CD3+CD56-的T 细胞中,除CD4+CD8-T细胞外,其余三种T 细胞亚群(CD4-CD8+、CD4-CD8-、CD4+CD8+)均可通过体外多因子培养而获得CD56分子的表达,而由于CD4+CD8+细胞和CD4-CD8-细胞在正常人外周血中含量极低而间接提示此CD3+CD56+细胞绝大多数来源于外周血中CD4-CD8+T细胞。而由于CD4-CD8-T细胞在培养1个月后有近56%的T 细胞同时表达CD56和CD3,表明其也是CIK细胞的重要来源。比较CD3+CD56+CIK细胞中表达CD8+和CD8-,的两群细胞其杀瘤活性没有显著性差异,提示CIK细胞的细胞毒性与CD3CD56表达成相关趋势,而与CD8的表达未表现出相关性。

应用LAK细胞是当今较为普及的肿瘤过继免疫治疗方案,广泛使用于黑色素瘤、肾细胞癌、非霍奇金淋巴瘤、肺癌和结肠癌。因LAK细胞扩增数量有限,杀瘤活性也较TIL等T淋巴细胞为低,故虽然杀瘤谱广,但效果局限。相比较而言,TIL 细胞本身较LAK细胞具有更强大的抗瘤效力,但由于杀瘤谱窄,制备困难,及在收集过程中可能导致的功能改变而限制了其临床应用价值。与上述两种效应细胞过继免疫治疗相比,CIK细胞具有独特的优势,列举如下。
1. 增殖速度快
2. 杀瘤活性高
CIK细胞是以CD3+CD56+T细胞为主的异质细胞群,大量体内外实验证实CIK细胞较以NK细胞为主的LAK细胞具备更强大的杀瘤活性,而且其体内杀瘤细胞毒性的维持不必依赖大剂量外源性IL-2的持续给予。体外实验中,任欢和Lu等均发现在体外等数量的CIK细胞比LAK细胞对肿瘤细胞系的杀伤能力稍高或相近,但因CIK细胞在培养过程中CD3+CD56+效应细胞增长迅速,故CIK细胞的总杀伤单位(TLU)为LAK 细胞的73倍甚至更高,其杀伤效率显著高于LAK细胞。肿瘤克隆抑制实验显示,CIK细胞的瘤细胞抑制Log指数为2.5~3.5,较LAK细胞的瘤细胞抑制指数高2个Log。体内实验发现,对于在严重联合免疫缺陷小鼠身上构建的人类B 细胞淋巴瘤SU-DHL4模型,CIK细胞在清除荷瘤鼠体内肿瘤病灶,抑制转移,延长生存期等方面的作用均明显优于LAK细胞。
3. 杀瘤谱广
CIK细胞虽然以CD3+CD56+ T细胞为主要效应细胞,但却没有T 淋巴细胞杀伤时的MHC 限制性,故对于多种肿瘤细胞系(包括NK敏感的K562和NK不敏感的Hela、HL60、人T 细胞急淋白血病细胞系OCRF-CEM,人淋巴瘤细胞系OCI-LY8、LAM53,人结肠癌细胞系HT-29、CR75,人肾癌细胞系A704)和新鲜肿瘤组织均表现出强大的杀伤活性。
4. 对多重耐药肿瘤细胞同样敏感
5. 杀瘤活性不受CsA、FK506等免疫抑制剂的影响
6. 对正常骨髓造血前体细胞毒性很小
7. 能抵抗肿瘤细胞引发的效应细胞Fas-FasL凋亡
已证明过继免疫治疗失败的一个重要原因是过继效应细胞被肿瘤细胞表面表达的某些蛋白(主要是FasL)诱导凋亡,而CIK细胞虽然在Fas被占据后会引起少量细胞凋亡,但对其杀瘤细胞毒性没有明显影响。Verneris的实验提示CIK细胞内有抗凋亡基因表达,并检出多种保护基因,如cFLIP、Bcl-2、Bcl-X1、DAD1和survivin的转录水平上调。同时发现CIK细胞具备合成FasL的能力,CIK细胞培养上清中可以检测到具生物学活性的水溶性FasL,表明CIK细胞可以对抗体内FasL 阳性肿瘤所引发的效应细胞活性下降甚至消失。



IL-7:Fitke利用改进的腺病毒转基因系统将人IL-7基因转染CIK细胞,发现转染后细胞可以生成较高浓度IL-7,最多者可达1 100pg/106cell/24h。合成的IL-7具有明显的生物学活性,可以促进转染CIK细胞的增殖,显著高于未转染细胞。外源IL-7基因的表达同时改变了CIK细胞对其他细胞因子的分泌,其中尤以TNF-α分泌显著升高,这一现象在未转染CIK体外添加IL-7时并未观测到。虽然转染后CIK细胞表面各种与细胞杀伤活性相关的表面抗原,如ICAM-1 等与未转染CIK细胞相比无明显变化,但转染后CIK细胞在对多种肿瘤细胞系如肾癌、恶性黑色素瘤以及结肠癌的杀伤能力较未转染CIK细胞有明显增强。
IL-2:Lu等发现CIK细胞培养过程中CD56分子的表达是IL-2依赖性的,但单独IL-2的存在却会降低培养后CIK细胞的表型变化幅度。尽管有实验指出CIK细胞的体内治疗并不需要IL-2体外持续供给,但Zoll等的研究结果表明,体外培养中IL-2对CIK细胞的增殖和杀伤功能有促进作用。Schmidt-Wolf将包含人IL-2基因片段的重组质粒用电穿孔法导入CIK细胞治疗转移性实体瘤,发现转染后细胞可分泌较高水平的IL-2(330-1 800pg/106 cell/24h,平均达836pg/106 cell/24h )。虽然转染前后CIK细胞表面各种膜蛋白表达并无显著变化,但体外检测转染后CIK 细胞在增殖率和细胞杀伤活性上均高于未转染细胞。


1991年美国斯坦福大学Schmidt Wolf等人首次报道了CIK细胞。

CIK细胞治疗属于过继细胞免疫疗法 [3] ,由于CIK细胞溶瘤作用是非MHC限制性的,即不受肿瘤组织类型的限制,因此对任何一种肿瘤均有杀伤作用,但对高抗原表达的癌症疗效最好,如:髓性白血病、黑色素瘤、肾细胞癌、转移性肾癌、非何杰金氏淋巴瘤等。其它癌症如肺癌、结肠癌、乳腺癌、肝癌、胃癌、大肠癌等,CIK细胞治疗亦有较好的疗效。CIK细胞治疗适用于任何一期的癌症患者,但对早期肿瘤患者或经过手术及放化疗后肿瘤负荷较小的患者效果好。它对于手术、放化疗或造血干细胞移植后患者体内微小残留病灶的清除,防止癌细胞扩散和复发,提高患者自身免疫力,减少毒性反应等方面具有重要作用。某些不适合手术、不能耐受放化疗的中晚期肿瘤患者,CIK细胞治疗可以提高其生活质量,延长带瘤生存时间。
CIK 细胞通过直接杀伤、分泌多种细胞因子等直接抑制肿瘤细胞生长,诱导肿瘤细胞凋亡起到治疗作用。大多数执行杀伤功能的细胞在回输后立即执行其功能,半衰期约2周至一个月。回输的细胞中包括一部分记忆细胞,可存活几年至几十年,当遇到相应刺激后,迅速在体内活化,杀伤靶细胞。所以CIK细胞治疗的疗程间隔原则上为一个月,建议首先间隔一个月连续做三个疗程,以后每半年做一个疗程。

Natural killer cells and autoimmunity.

French AR, Yokoyama WM - Arthritis research & therapy (2003)

Affiliation: Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Division of Rheumatology, Department of Medicine, Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis, MO, USA.

Autoimmune diseases are often characterized as clinical syndromes caused by the inappropriate activation of T or B cells resulting in systemic or organ-specific damage. However, studies support a role for the innate immune system, and in particular natural killer (NK) cells, in stimulating or suppressing autoimmunity. This review focuses on recent research elucidating a potential immunoregulatory role for NK cells in modulating T and B cell-mediated autoimmunity.

Natural killer (NK) cell activation is controlled by the integration of signals from activation and inhibitory receptors. (a) Inhibitory NK cell receptors recognize self MHC class I and restrain NK cell activation. (b) When unimpeded by the inhibitory receptors, binding of NK cell activation receptors to their ligands on target cells results in NK cell stimulation. In the absence or downregulation of self MHC class I on the target cells, these stimulatory signals are no longer suppressed, resulting in NK cell responses including cytokine production and granule release leading to cytotoxicity. Note that this model indicates that NK cells do not kill by default; that is, when MHC class I inhibition is absent, the NK cell must still be stimulated through activation receptors. Moreover, whether or not an individual NK cell is activated by a target is determined by this complex balance of receptors with opposing function and expression of the corresponding ligands. In general, however, inhibition dominates over activation. Finally, NK cells can be directly stimulated by cytokines such as interleukin-12 that trigger the production of other cytokines by NK cells (not shown). These direct cytokine-mediated responses are not affected by MHC class I expression.

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F1: Natural killer (NK) cell activation is controlled by the integration of signals from activation and inhibitory receptors. (a) Inhibitory NK cell receptors recognize self MHC class I and restrain NK cell activation. (b) When unimpeded by the inhibitory receptors, binding of NK cell activation receptors to their ligands on target cells results in NK cell stimulation. In the absence or downregulation of self MHC class I on the target cells, these stimulatory signals are no longer suppressed, resulting in NK cell responses including cytokine production and granule release leading to cytotoxicity. Note that this model indicates that NK cells do not kill by default; that is, when MHC class I inhibition is absent, the NK cell must still be stimulated through activation receptors. Moreover, whether or not an individual NK cell is activated by a target is determined by this complex balance of receptors with opposing function and expression of the corresponding ligands. In general, however, inhibition dominates over activation. Finally, NK cells can be directly stimulated by cytokines such as interleukin-12 that trigger the production of other cytokines by NK cells (not shown). These direct cytokine-mediated responses are not affected by MHC class I expression.

Although NK cells are prepared to kill abnormal cells and rapidly release cytokines, they are normally restrained by inhibitory receptors that recognize target-cell-expressed MHC class I molecules and allow NK cells to survey tissues for normal MHC class I expression (Fig. 1). When MHC class I molecules are downregulated or absent, NK cells are released from the inhibitory influence of these receptors and kill target cells more efficiently ('missing self' hypothesis) [14]. It has been proposed that NK cells all express at least one inhibitory receptor that recognizes self MHC to provide NK cell tolerance and to prevent inappropriate NK cell responses directed at self [15,16]. However, release from inhibitory receptor effects does not automatically lead to NK cell activation against cellular targets. NK cells also express different combinations of various activation receptors, allowing them to respond to ligands on potential target cells [17-20]. The ligands for activation receptors are often closely related to the ligands for inhibitory receptors. In other cases, the activation receptor ligands may be upregulated in response to stress or infection, as illustrated by the upregulation of the NKG2D ligand MHC class I-related chain A (MICA) during infection [21-23].

Natural killer (NK) cell activation is controlled by th | Open-i


Immunology. 2007 Jun; 121(2): 197–206.

Interleukin-12- and interferon-γ-mediated natural killer cell activation by Agaricus blazei Murill

Eri Yuminamochi,1,2,* Taisuke Koike,1,2,* Kazuyoshi Takeda,1 Isao Horiuchi,2 and Ko Okumura1
1Department of Immunology, Juntendo University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan
2Japan Applied Microbiology Research Institute Ltd, Yamanashi, Japan

Dried fruiting bodies of Agaricus blazei Murill (A. blazei) and its extracts have generally used as complementary and alternative medicines (CAMs).

Here, we report that the oral administration of A. blazei augmented cytotoxicity of natural killer (NK) cells in wild-type (WT) C57BL/6, C3H/HeJ, and BALB/c mice.

Augmented cytotoxicity was demonstrated by purified NK cells from treated wild-type (WT) and RAG-2-deficient mice, but not from interferon-γ (IFN-γ) deficient mice. NK cell activation and IFN-γ production was also observed in vitro when dendritic cell (DC)-rich splenocytes of WT mice were coincubation with an extract of A. blazei.

Both parameters were largely inhibited by neutralizing anti-interleukin-12 (IL-12) monoclonal antibody (mAb) and completely inhibited when anti-IL-12 mAb and anti-IL-18 mAb were used in combination. An aqueous extract of the hemicellulase-digested compound of A. blazei particle; (ABPC) induced IFN-γ production more effectively, and this was completely inhibited by anti-IL-12 mAb alone.

NK cell cytotoxicty was augmented with the same extracts, again in an IL-12 and IFN-γ-dependent manner. These results clearly demonstrated that A. blazei and ABPC augmented NK cell activation through IL-12-mediated IFN-γ production.

Keywords: Agaricus blazei, NK cells, IFN-γ, IL-12, cytotoxicity

Interleukin-12- and interferon-γ-mediated natural killer cell activation by Agaricus blazei Murill


Annu Rev Immunol. 1995;13:251-76.
Interleukin-12: a proinflammatory cytokine with immunoregulatory functions that bridge innate resistance and antigen-specific adaptive immunity.
Trinchieri G1.
Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104-4268, USA.

Interleukin-12 (IL-12) is a heterodimeric cytokine produced mostly by phagocytic cells in response to bacteria, bacterial products, and intracellular parasites, and to some degree by B lymphocytes.

 IL-12 induces cytokine production, primarily of IFN-gamma, from NK and T cells, acts as a growth factor for activated NK and T cells, enhances the cytotoxic activity of NK cells, and favors cytotoxic T lymphocyte generation.

In vivo IL-12 acts primarily at three stages during the innate resistance/adaptive immune response to infection:

1. Early in the infection, IL-12 is produced and induces production from NK and T cells of IFN-gamma, which contributes to phagocytic cell activation and inflammation;

2. IL-12 and IL-12-induced IFN-gamma favor Th1 cell differentiation by priming CD4+ T cells for high IFN-gamma production; and

3. IL-12 contributes to optimal IFN-gamma production and to proliferation of differentiated Th1 cells in response to antigen. The early preference expressed in the immune response depends on the balance between IL-12, which favors Th1 responses, and IL-4, which favors Th2 responses.

Thus, IL-12 represents a functional bridge between the early nonspecific innate resistance and the subsequent antigen-specific adaptive immunity.

PMID: 7612223 DOI: 10.1146/annurev.iy.13.040195.001343

Interleukin-12: a proinflammatory cytokine with immunoregulatory functions that bridge innate resistance and antigen-specific adaptive immunity. - PubMed - NCBI



Revisiting Interleukin-12 as a Cancer Immunotherapy Agent | Clinical Cancer Research


Oxidant-induced cell death in lymphocytes – mechanisms of induction and resistance

Fredrik B Thorén
University of Gothenburg, Germany

Reactive oxygen species (oxidants, oxygen radicals) produced by the phagocytic NADPH oxidase have pivotal roles in immunity. Patients lacking a functional NADPH oxidase suffer from chronic granulomatous disease, which is characterized by recurring bacterial infections and thus manifesting the importance of reactive oxygen species in host defense against bacteria.

However, NADPH oxidase-derived radicals also efficiently inhibit lymphocyte-mediated immunity. Oxidant-induced inactivation of lymphocytes is reportedly a control mechanism for autoreactive lymphocytes and hence prevents autoimmunity. In malignant diseases, oxygen radicals have been proposed to contribute to the characteristic state of anergy of cytotoxic lymphocytes, which prevents immune-mediated rejection of the tumor.

Studies of the mechanisms of radical-induced inactivation of lymphocytes may therefore be helpful in understanding the pathophysiology of important disease entities. The first paper in this thesis shows that oxidant-induced functional inhibition and cell death in cytotoxic lymphocytes is critically dependent on cooperation between a nuclear enzyme involved in DNA repair, PARP-1, and a mitochondrion-derived protein, AIF.

The results presented in Paper II demonstrate that pharmacological inhibition of the PARP-1 enzyme not only prevents oxidant-induced cell death, but also preserves functions of cytotoxic lymphocytes, such as cytotoxicity against malignant cells, cytokine production, and proliferation.

Paper III shows that subsets of natural killer (NK) cells display differential sensitivity to oxygen radicals: the cytotoxic CD56dimCD16+ NK cells were found to be highly sensitive to oxidative inactivation and apoptosis, while the immunoregulatory, cytokine-producing CD56brightCD16- NK cells were highly resistant to the toxicity of oxidants.

These data were extended in Paper IV, in which the effect of oxygen radical-producing phagocytes on the expression of the activating NK cell receptors, NKp46 and NKG2D, was investigated. The expression of both receptors was efficiently downregulated on CD56dim NK cells, while the expression remained intact on CD56bright cells.

Recent data imply that reciprocal interactions between NK cells and dendritic cells (DCs) are important for the development of adaptive immunity. The results presented in Paper V demonstrate that DCs are equipped with an antioxidative system that efficiently protects cytotoxic cells from oxidant-induced inactivation.


Phagocyte activation as an immunoevasive strategy. In malignant and infected tissues, phagocytes are recruited with ensuing production of oxygen radicals. The release of oxygen radicals from phagocytes inactivates NK cells and other cytotoxic lymphocytes, enabling survival of malignant or virus-infected cells (adapted from 298).


DNA repair responses to PARP1

University of Texus, MD Anderson Canver Center

PARP1 encompasses a broad scope of DNA repair responses which makes it an attractive candidate for therapeutic inhibition, either alone or in combination with cancer chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Inhibition of PARP1 has potential for use in cancer treatment particularly by increasing tumor sensitivity to chemotherapeutic agents that damage DNA and by inducing synthetic lethality in tumor cells that are highly dependent on PARP1 due to deficiencies in DNA repair proteins (e.g., BRCA1/2).PARP1 and DNA damage

Other mechanisms by which PARP exerts its effects are through rapid mitochondrial dysfunction with membrane permeability transition, NAD+ depletion, and translocation of apoptosis inducing factor (AIF) from the mitochondria to the nucleus. Inhibition/manipulation of other components of the PARP pathway, including PAR and PARG may therefore, be valuable therapeutic interventions not only for cancer, but for other disease states.

MDAnderson - PARP1 DNA ToolkitIn collaboration with MD Anderson Cancer Center, a highly specific toolkit has been developed and validated to analyse PARP1 in a panel of control and siRNA knockdown cell lysates by multiple immunoassays. This toolkit can specifically and quantitatively distinguish PARP1 from 17 other PARP family members using highly specific antibodies and optimised methods.

Most clinically used PARP inhibitors bind to conserved regions in the PARP domains that permits cross-selectivity with other PARPs containing homologous catalytic domains. Thus, the differences between therapeutic effects and unwanted side effects resulting from pan-PARP inhibition compared to selective inhibition are not well understood. The development and use of more selective agents targeting other domains that make up PARPs, will help answer important questions concerning PARP inhibitors as chemotherapy. A clear understanding of the inhibition profiles of PARP inhibitors will not only enhance the understanding of the biology of individual PARPs, but may provide improved therapeutic options for patients.

Do not hesitate to contact us to test this new toolkit!