
Natural Oxygen Therapy


According to Vanderbilt University "Oxygen therapy is quickly becoming one

of the most controversial, yet effective forms of alternative medicine to enter

the medical spotlight as the turn of the millennium approaches.

It has many potential uses, ranging from a means of headache relief to a possible cure

for AIDS and cancer, and the treatments seem simple and inexpensive.


The Kind of Oils You Eat or Don’t Eat

Is the Key to Your Cellular Oxygen Levels

The root cause of many types of poor health (including cancer, heart disease,

Alzheimer’s, etc.) is inadequate oxygenation at the cellular level.

The root cause of modern day, lessened cellular oxygenation is that our cellular

membranes have become barriers to oxygen because they are built from oxygen-dead

consumer oils instead of from Parent Essential Oils.

So, to avoid cancer and other diseases, improve your health and have optimum energy,

you need to avoid eating oxygen-barrier oils and consume, instead, parent essential


If breathing more oxygen (like persons to the left are doing) was sufficient to produce

increased cellular oxygen, then athletes or persons who regularly exercised, should

never get cancer because their cellular levels of oxygen would always be optimally high.



The reality is that it is very possible (in fact, probable in today’s, processed food world)

for people to have plenty of oxygen within their blood stream and yet have insufficient

oxygen inside their cells. Again, this results whenever THE CELL MEMBRANE that

surrounds and encloses each cell becomes a barrier against oxygen moving from the

blood stream into the cell.

Oxygen-Transport Enabling Edible Oils are the Foundation to Cellular Oxygenation

The way to have optimum cellular oxygen levels is to ensure that the oxygen (O2) in the

bloodstream goes from the bloodstream THROUGH the cellular membrane (the cell’s

bilayer protective enclosure) and into the cellular cytoplasm.

Edible oils (also called fatty acids or lipids) are the substance of cellular membranes

and the grand key to having high levels of cellular oxygen. Certain of these oils, that we

call Parent Essential Oils, facilitate higher rates of oxygen diffusion through the cell

membranes into the cells than others.

It is, therefore, important to consume the Parent Essential Oils that are most capable of

transporting oxygen so that these oxygen-transport enabling oils will be be incorporated

into our cell membranes instead of oxygen barrier oils.

The important concept is that the cell membrane is what governs what goes in and out

of cells. Cell membranes are made primarily from edible oils (fatty acids, or lipids — all

synonyms for fat). When the membranes are built from parent essential oils, which

readily hold and transfer oxygen, THEN oxygen will freely diffuse through our cell

membranes. However, because modern food oils are denatured and turned into oxygen

barrier oils, when such denatured oils become part of our cell membranes they

undermine the ability of our cellular membranes to allow oxygen into the cells. This

causes the oxygen level inside the cell to GO DOWN. When the level goes down

enough... disease results.

Grocery store oils are

denatured” (turned into

oxygen barrier oils) in the

pursuit of SHELF-LIFE. The

main goal of modern food oil

processing is greater profits

through longer shelf life (read

processing steps below) and

oxygen is the prime obstacle

in regard to increasing shelf

life. That’s why our modern

food processing tactics seek

to take-away the ability of an

oil to hold oxygen - because

oxygen is what causes those

oils to go rancid.

Disease will continue to rise

unless and until the practice

of eating denatured oils is

ended. Eating denatured oils

is the single worst health

practice anyone can have in

his/her life because it results in oxygen deprived cells. Oxygen-barrier oils are

diametrically opposed to health and wellness while oxygen-friendly oils are one of the

greatest (if not the greatest) boons to health and wellness.

Principle to remember: The greater the oxygen transporting capacity of one’s cellular

membranes THE BETTER. And the less the oxygen transporting capacity of one’s

cellular membranes, THE WORSE. Therefore, eating the wrong types of oils — which

will then become incorporated into our cellular membranes — is one of the worst health

practices anyone can have.

The great enemies of cellular oxygen (and optimum health) are:


Hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils

Standard grocery shelf oils (corn, canola, soybean oils)


Fried foods (virtually all oils when heated become oxygen barrier oils)

The kind of oils that we want in our bodies, the best oils, the oxygen-friendly oils are

Parent Essential Oils. Your body cannot manufacture them, but must get them from


These Parent Essential Oils are linolenic acid (LA) and alpha linolenic acid (AL). They

are the parents of Omega 3 and Omega 6 and other Omega derivatives

To be an oxygen-friendly oil, the must always be uncooked and very minimally touched

by man. Therefore, Parent Essential Oils must be protected from damaging elements

such as light and heat.

A partial list of such oxygen-friendly oils that contain linolenic acid and alpha linolenic

acid include (all organic and cold-pressed): evening primrose oil, high

linolenic, sunflower oil, high linolenic safflower oil, flax oil, pumpkin

oil and coconut oil. You can consume such parent essential oils individually, but,

the most efficient way is to consume a “Peskin recommended” blend of Parent Essential

Oils that optimizes the factors of the entire group of oils.

Oils are the Most Critical Components of the Foods We Eat — because from them are

formed our all important cell membranes.

If you don’t get the oils in your diet right, you are SEVERELY handicapped in your quest

for optimum cellular oxygen leading to optimum health.

Parent” Essential Oils are the Oxygenation-Friendly Oils You Want in Your Body for

Ensuring Optimum Levels of Cellular Oxygen

Now that you know about oxygen-friendly and oxygen-barrier oils, what are you going to


The first thing you should do is eliminate from your consumption, so far as possible, all

of the oxygen-transport inhibiting oils, i.e. the bad guys. Just removing from your life

those denatured oils that inhibit the diffusing of oxygen through the cell membranes, by

itself, will result in greater cellular oxygen levels and consequently improved health.

The next thing you should do is add to your consumption the oils that will enable greater

rates of oxygen diffusion into the cells. An excellent way to do this is to consume the

Parent Essential Oils Supplement that has been created with a ‘balancing ratio’ of 2.5

Linolenic Acid to 1 Alpha-Linolenic Acid. Learn more about the importance of this ratio.

Many of us are overdosing on harmful trans-fats and not getting enough of the

unprocessed Parent Essential Oils. Food processing presents a nearly insurmountable

problem, though it can be minimized by supplementation.

Your appetite can be directly affected by a Parent Essential Oil deficiency. This

manifests itself as constant hunger because your body is constantly asking for these

precious, essential oils.

There is a misconception among nutritionists that we already get plenty of omega-6 in

our diets. But actually we get very little pure, unadulterated "parent" omega 6 oils for the

reasons stated above. Furthermore, and of extreme importance is the fact that you can

easily "overdose" on excess omega 3, which can cause serious health problems. More

than 97% of your body needs at least a 4:1 ratio in favor of unadulterated Parent

Omega-6 over Parent Omega-3 because that is what your tissues and organs are made


Fish oil has become the latest “must have” supplement. Here are some facts about fish

oil you need to know. Fish have no oil glands so creating fish oil supplements basically

means you get "juiced" fish. "Juiced" fish is the worst way to get your EFAs. This is one

of the reasons there are no fish oils contained in our Ultimate EFAs. Another reason is

contaminated water supplies. Toxins, including mercury, may reach dangerous

thresholds when taking concentrated fish oils regularly. Even if fish oil supplements

claim to have removed harmful toxins, the processing needed may also alter the natural

oils. It is also interesting to note, that while fish oil and krill oil are animal-derived and

contain cholesterol (which may very well have a damaged structure due to processing),

cold-pressed, plant-derived EFA oils contain no cholesterol at all. Furthermore, fish is

high in derivative omega 3—not the required Parent Essential Oils nature intended us to


Vital to maintaining optimum health is distinguishing the parent from derivative form of

EFAs. It is common with supplement manufacturers to throw all EFAs into the same pot.

They obviously do not have a clear understanding of how the body processes EFAs.

YES™ has spent years developing our blend of Parent EFAs because there is a

tremendous difference in how the body treats these different forms. It is essential to

understand that the body makes derivatives from the Parents as needed. When you see

GLA, EPA or DHA, these are derivatives, not parent and your body uses more Parent

EFAs than derivatives.

The Parent EFAs are as follows:

Parent Omega-6 = LA: Linoleic Acid (polyunsaturated) – safflower, sunflower, evening

primrose. Your body will utilize mostly the parent form and make the derivatives as


Derivatives are: GLA, DGLA, AA.

Parent Omega-3 = ALA: Alpha Linolenic Acid (super-unsaturated) – flax, hemp.

Derivatives are: SDA, EPA, DHA. (Fish oil is naturally almost 100% derivative omega-3,

therefore it is not the ideal form for long-term supplementation).

The proper Parent Essential Oil radio is: Parent Omega-6 to Parent Omega-3 = 1:1 to

4:1. YES™ Ultimate EFAs are about 2:1 in favor of Parent Omega-6.

The Solution

YES™ Ultimate EFAs contain organic high linoleic Safflower oil, organic sunflower oil,

and a small amount of organic Evening Primrose oil, all excellent sources of "parent"

omega 6, along with organic flax oil for "parent" omega 3, to obtain what we consider

the ideal science-based “parent” omega 6/3 combination. All of our oils are plant based

so Vegetarians need not worry.

Our unique Ultimate EFA formulation takes into consideration the good unadulterated

"parent" omega-6 you may already be getting in your diet, as well as carefully balancing

it with the proper ratio of "parent" omega-3. We are the leaders in EFA science with a

specifically calculated balance, using naturally produced seed oils instead of fish oil,

and providing the parent oil, and not the derivatives.

Many of our customers refer to YES™ Ultimate EFAs as "liquid gold." Unlike most

commercial oil supplements, YES™ Ultimate EFAs are produced in small, carefully

monitored quantities. The oils have no pesticides and have organic certification. After

low temperature pressing, we use special capsules with low oxygen permeability to

protect the precious oils so no refrigeration is required. And you can rest assured that

you receive "parent" oils, not the harmful overdoses of "derivatives," as found in so

many commercial products.

YES™ Ultimate EFAs are organically produced and cold-pressed seed oils containing

Parent Omega-6 and Parent Omega-3.


The YES™ Family

