心磷脂浓度和酰基链组成对线粒体内膜分子组织和功能的影响  强调


首页   癌症  心脏病  高血压  糖尿病  肥胖症   脂肪肝   痛风   骨关节炎  骨质疏松症  

维生素C  巴德维疗法  松花粉  运动疗法 阳光疗法  抗衰老   抗病毒/乙肝   English



神奇的心脏 The Wonderful Heart

血液粘度是更早更准确预测心血管事件风险的指标 Blood viscosity Earlier more accurate prediction of cardiovascular event risk

Heart Attack and Dehydration WARNING! 警告缺水促发心脏病发作

NADPH Oxidases and Angiotension 2 Receptor Signaling

水合作用对消防员全血粘度的影响 Effect of hydration on whole blood viscosity in firefighters

Calcium 钙补充剂增加心脏病发作风险高达86%  Supplements Increase Heart attack risk by 86%

运动和吃健康的饮食是维持心血管健康的最有效方法 抗氧化剂能使血管年青15到20年 Novel antioxidant makes old blood vessels seem younger again

维生素K2-预防血管钙化 增加骨密度 保护心血管 Vitamin K2: new research confirms essential role in heart health

韩国国立大学 发现血管钙化过程类似于骨形成过程 Manipulatating calcium accumulation in blood vessels is similar to bone formation process

哈佛副教授 血管钙化是心脏病的主要诱因 Vascular calcification is the main cause of heart disease

血管钙化的原因 血管钙化是导致心脏病的重要原因 Causes of calcification in soft tissues

食用亚麻籽可以降低胆固醇水平 Flaxseed Consumption Lowers Cholesterol Levels

欧洲医生在心脏病发作后开鱼油处方 降低死亡率和突然死亡率 European Doctors Prescibe Fish Oil After Heart Attacks

研究 降低胆固醇的他汀类药物会使患乳腺癌的风险增加一倍以上 Study:Cholesterol-lowering Statin Drugs more Double Breast Cancer Risk

他汀类降胆固醇药会增加2型糖尿病的风险高达50% Statins linked to raised risk of type 2 diabetes

1162患者对制药厂提起诉讼要求赔偿由于服用立普妥导致的损伤 1162 Lawsuits Filed Against Pfizer for Damage due to Liptor

大蒜加维生素C可以使早期高血压恢复正常 Garlic plus vitamin C may reduce blood pressure

研究证实每周吃12个鸡蛋不会增加心血管疾病风险 Eggs not linked to cardiovascular risk, despite conflicting advice

伟大的胆固醇神话 为什么减低胆固醇不能预防心脏病 The Great Cholesterol Myth

发现心脏病的真正原因的外科医生 做客电台 The Real and Surprising Cause of Heart Disease

心脏病专家说 心脏病, 胆固醇并不是真正的原因 Cardiologist Said, Heart Disease: Cholesterol Is Not the Real Cause

治疗心脏病和中风的纳米疗法 揭示炎症是导致心脏病和中风的根本原因 Nanotherapy for Heart Attack and Stroke Revealed Inflammation is the real Cause of Heart Disease

心脏外科医生的病毒性口供 心脏病的真正原因 Heart Surgeon Declares on What Really Causes Heart Illness

胰岛素(高糖饮食),而不是胆固醇 才是心脏病的罪魁祸首 Insulin (high Carb diets), Not Cholesterol, Is the True Culprit in Heart Disease

小心 吃得太咸损伤血管内皮 导致心血管疾病

心脏病奇迹治愈 维生素C和赖氨酸治愈他的心脏病 The cardiac miracle cure Vitamin C, Lysine and Dr.W.Gifford Jones

高血压的原因和自然疗法 The Causes and Natural Cures of High Blood Pressure

大蒜被誉为大自然的神奇药草 Garlic The Natures Wonder Drug

蔬果中的槲皮素的抗血栓形成作用 Quercetin's Properties Against Thrombosis

福建医科大学:镁可以减弱内皮素诱导的血管收缩 增强小鼠肺动脉血管舒 降低慢性缺氧引起的肺动脉高压 Magnesium attenuate chronic hypoxia induced pulmonary hypertension

内皮素对心血管健康的影响 Cardivascular Effects of Endothelin

甜菜根中的硝酸盐可以降低血压 Nitrates in beetroot can lower blood pressure

保持血管年轻态的一氧化氮 What is nitric oxide and how does it work?

CoQ10已被证实对心力衰竭患者有好处 CoQ10 Proven Benefits In Heart Failure Patients

镁是一种强大的天然抗炎矿物质 Magnesium is a powerful natural anti-inflammatory mineral

镁:被忽视的心脏营养素 Magnesium Is Vital For Heart Health

芥菜的营养价值和保健作用-含维生素K最丰富的蔬菜 Health Benefits of Mustard Greens and Nutrition Facts


心脏健康 心脏营养素





钙战争:缺镁会导致心脏病 The Calcium Wars: Magnessium Defficiency Causes Heart Disease

二氧化碳和屏气练习的好处 Benefits of carbon dioxide and breath holding

透明质酸和心脏再生 Hyaluronic acid boosts cardiac regeneration

Hypoxia Stimulates Plaque Angiogenesis

The Hidden Heart Disease Truth

Niacin for Cholesterol Problems

胆红素不仅是肝功能的指标 还保护心血管

Homocysteine:One of the Best Objective Markers of How healthy You Are

贫血与心脏病 Anemia and Heart Disease

How does endothelial cells injury start? The role of endothelin in systemic sclerosis

Post-ischemic inflammation:molecular mechanisms and therapeutic implications

Circulating Endothelial Progenitor Cells

Effect of vitamin D on endothelial progenitor cells function

凝集和凝结的区别 Main Difference of Agglutination vs Coagulation








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