

Mechanism of antiviral activity of triterpenoid saponins





三萜皂苷是天然存在的三萜糖结合物,具有各种生物活性,包括抗病毒作用。从天然来源分离的两种物质针对单纯疱疹病毒1型复制进行了测试。他们没有在抗病毒测试条件下显示出细胞毒性的证据。从巴西植物(s21)分离的三萜皂苷代表齐墩果烷基团并抑制单纯疱疹病毒1DNA合成。从中国植物中分离出的三萜皂苷(s17)代表了ursane基团,似乎抑制了1型单纯疱疹病毒的病毒衣壳蛋白合成。版权所有©1999 John WileySonsLtd


C. M.O.SimõesMAmoros L. Girre博士



Triterpenoid saponins are naturally occurring sugar conjugates of triterpenes possessing various biological activities, including antiviral action. Two substances isolated from natural sources were tested against herpes simplex virus type 1 replication. They did not show evidence of cytotoxicity under antiviral test conditions. The triterpenoid saponin, isolated from a Brazilian plant (s21), represents the oleanane group and inhibited herpes simplex virus type 1 DNA synthesis. The triterpenoid saponin, isolated from a Chinese plant (s17), represents the ursane group and seemed to inhibit viral capsid protein synthesis of herpes simplex virus type 1. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


Dr. C. M. O. Simões  M. Amoros  L. Girre

First published: 18 June 1999 https://doi.org/10.1002/(SICI)1099-1573(199906)13:4<323::AID-PTR448>3.0.CO;2-C













皂角粉 又称电镀清洗剂,是一种植物表面活性剂,该产品是相关公司与有关科研院所共同研制开发的新产品,皂角粉广泛用于五金电镀行业,金属表面在电镀前,经皂角粉处理后,具有除油去污,电镀后抛光增亮,使用皂角粉对清洗物表面无任何腐蚀,它优于其他任何一种化学清洗剂,是最理想 的天然高效表面活性清洗剂。皂角粉也可用于农药厂生产可湿性粉剂使用。皂角粉还可以用于加气砖厂生产的各种规格的加气砖块,它主要起发泡作用。链条厂也可广泛使用。 皂角苷 saponin 存在于植物界的以多环式化合物为配基的配糖体的总称。配基称为皂角苷配基,糖的成分通常是D-葡萄糖,D-半乳糖,L-阿拉伯糖,但也有以甲基戊糖和糠醛酸等作为糖成分的。大多数皂角苷是无定形粉末,可溶于水甲醇、热的稀乙醇,不溶于其他有机溶媒。水溶液具有持续产生泡沫的性质,并显示出保护性胶体的性质。可用于作为洗涤剂、乳化剂、发泡剂。虽不易透折,但能提高其他物质对细胞膜等的透过性、与甾醇类、醇类、酚类可形成难溶性化合物。作为共通的特性为显示溶血作用。这是由于与红血球中的胆甾醇结合的缘故。还具有粘膜刺激作用,有的也有利尿作用,三萜系皂角苷分布广泛。美远志根、远志根、桔梗根、甘草的根茎、Quillaja的树皮等的皂角苷是有名的。其他已知甾体化合物系统的皂角苷分布只限于百合科、薯芋科、玄参科。百合科菝葜根的皂角苷及洋地黄叶中的毛地黄皂苷、芰他皂苷和各皂苷等



Saponin From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Saponins are a class of chemical compounds found in particular abundance in various plant species. More specifically, they are amphipathic glycosides grouped phenomenologically by the soap-like foam they produce when shaken in aqueous solutions, and structurally by having one or more hydrophilic glycoside moieties combined with a lipophilic triterpene derivative.[1][2]


Role in plant ecology and impact on animal foraging[edit]

In plants, saponins may serve as anti-feedants,[2][4] and to protect the plant against microbes and fungi.[citation needed] Some plant saponins (e.g. from oat and spinach) may enhance nutrient absorption and aid in animal digestion. However, saponins are often bitter to taste, and so can reduce plant palatability (e.g., in livestock feeds), or even imbue them with life-threatening animal toxicity.[4] Some saponins are toxic to cold-blooded organisms and insects at particular concentrations.[4] Further research is needed to define the roles of these natural products in their host organisms, which have been described as "poorly understood" to date.[4



Established research bioactivities and therapeutic claims


One research use of the saponin class of natural products involves their complexation with cholesterol to form pores in cell membrane bilayers, e.g., in red cell (erythrocyte) membranes, where complexation leads to red cell lysis (hemolysis) on intravenous injection.[16] In addition, the amphipathic nature of the class gives them activity as surfactants that can be used to enhance penetration of macromolecules such as proteins through cell membranes.[8]

Saponins from the Gypsophila paniculata (baby’s breath) plant have been shown to significantly augment the cytotoxicity of immunotoxins and other targeted toxins directed against human cancer cells. The research groups of Professor Hendrik Fuchs (Charité University, Berlin, Germany) and Dr David Flavell (Southampton General Hospital, United Kingdom) are working together toward the development of Gypsophila saponins for use in combination with immunotoxins or other targeted toxins for patients with leukaemia, lymphoma and other cancers.

Vaccine adjuvants

Saponins have also been used as adjuvants in vaccines,[8] e.g. Quil A[17] component QS-21, isolated from the bark of Quillaja saponaria Molina, to stimulate both the Th1 immune response and the production of cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (CTLs) against exogenous antigens. This makes them ideal for use in subunit vaccines and vaccines directed against intracellular pathogens as well as for therapeutic cancer vaccines but with the aforementioned side-effects of hemolysis.[18]

In their use as adjuvants in the production of vaccines, toxicity associated with sterol complexation remains a major issue for attention.[19]

Nutritional uses

Saponins are being promoted commercially as dietary supplements and food ingredients.[20] There is evidence of the presence of saponins in traditional medicine preparations from licorice,[21][22] where oral administrations might be expected to lead to hydrolysis of glycoside from terpenoid (and obviation of any toxicity associated with the intact molecule). But as is often the case with wide-ranging commercial therapeutic claims for natural products:

the claims for organismal/human benefit are often based on very preliminary biochemical or cell biological studies;[23] and

mention is generally omitted of the possibilities of individual chemical sensitivity, or to the general toxicity of specific agents,[24] and high toxicity of selected cases.

While such statements require constant review (and despite the myriad web claims to the contrary), it appears that there are very limited US, EU, etc. agency-approved roles for saponins in human therapy. Therapeutic benefit is a result of careful administration of an appropriate dose. Very great care needs to be exercised in evaluating or acting on specific claims of therapeutic benefit from ingesting saponin-type and other natural products.


Use in animal feeding

Saponins are used widely for their effects on ammonia emissions in animal feeding.[25] The mode of action seems to be an inhibition of the urease enzyme, which splits up excreted urea in feces into ammonia and carbon dioxide. Animal trials have shown that a reduced ammonia level in farming operations causes less damages to the respiratory tract of animals, and may help to make them less vulnerable to diseases.

