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维生素C  巴德维疗法  松花粉  运动疗法 阳光疗法  抗衰老   抗病毒/乙肝   English


健康卫士 维生素C--一种必须的营养素维生素抗氧化剂和促氧化剂解毒抗过敏抗病毒抗癌

Vitamin C Biosynthesis, Recycling and Degradation in Mammals

Ascorbic acid: Chemistry, biology and the treatment of cancer☆

Myths, Artifacts, and Fatal Flaws: Identifying Limitations and Opportunities in Vitamin C Research

Vitamin C in Health and Disease:Its Role in the Metabolism of Cells and Redox State in the Brain

The never-ending war against vitamin C by Dr.Thomas Levy

The Primal Panacea Vitamin C Can Defeat Deadly Infections

维生素C是免疫系统的肌肉 Vitamin C is the muscle of the immune system

肿瘤细胞获得维生素C并被维生素C杀死的机制 Stromal Cell Oxidation-A Mechanism by which Tumors obtain vitamin C and Killed by Vitamin C

第二军医大学:维生素C优先杀伤肝癌的种子细胞-癌干细胞 Vitamin C preferentially kills cancer stem cells in hepatocellular carcinoma via SVCT-2

Vitamin C Kills Viruses

Mycobacterium tuberculosis is extraordinarily sensitive to killing by a vitamin C-induced Fenton Reaction

研究显示 维生素C能杀死抗药性的结核分枝杆菌 Study found Vitamin C kills the bacterial that causes TB


维生素C增强免疫系统的20种方式 20 Ways Vitamin C to Boost Your Immune System

维生素C能够治疗尿路感染 Vitamin C To Reduce Urinary Tract Infection

眼睛的营养素-维生素C有助预防白内障 Vitamin C for prevent cataract

维生素C的发现和历史和它的食物来源 The Discovery and History of Vitamin C and Its Sources in Plants and Meats

使用维生素C近50年的临床观察 Observations on use of massive vitamin C by Frederick R Klenner M.D.

Hidden in Plain Sight: The Pioneering Work of Frederick R.Klenner M.D.

Clinical Guide to the Use of Vitamin C, the Clinical Experiences of Frederick R.Klenner,M.D by Lendon H.Smith,M.D.

The Treatment of Poliomyelitis and Other Virus Disease with Vitamin C by Fred.R.Klenner.M.D.

Vitamin C cures varied virus dis

医生诊断的过程中应该给病人维生素C Vitamin C should be given to the patient while the doctors ponder the diagnosis by Fred.R.Klenner M.D.

使用维生素C治疗病毒性肺炎 Virus Pneumonia and Its Treatment With Vitamin C Fred R. Klenner, M.D.  1948

医生诊断的过程中应该给病人维生素C Vitamin C should be given to the patient while the doctors ponder the diagnosis by Fred.R.Klenner M.D.

维生素C可以治愈各种病毒性疾病 Vitamin C cures varied virus disease by Fred.R.Klenner.M.D.

抗坏血酸在哺乳动物和灵长类动物进化的自然史和它对现代人的意义 The Natural History of Ascorbic Acid in the Evolution of the Mammas and Primates and Its Significant for Present Day Man by Irwin Stone

抗坏血酸缺乏症是一种遗传性疾病 The Genetic Disease Hypoascorbemia by Irwin Stone

关于坏血病的遗传病因学 On the Genetic Etiology of Scurvy by Irwin Stone

坏血病的遗传学和癌症问题 The Genetics of Scurvy and the Cancer Problem by Irwin Stone

维生素C和过敏治疗  Vitamin C and Allergy Treatment by Robert Cathcart M.D.

维生素C的第三幅面孔 The Third Face of Vitamin C by Robert Cathcart M.D.

维生素C 一种无毒无限制性的抗氧化自由基清除剂 Vitamin C The Nontoxic Nonrate limited Antioxidant Free Radical Scavenger by Robert Cathcart M.D.

维生素C 滴定到肠耐受极限 Vitamin C Titrating to Tolerance by Robert Cathcart M.D.

Why Vitamin C is a Threat to Medical/Pharma Cartel

维生素C钠 (抗坏血酸钠)Sodium ascorbate

维生素C 电子 毒素和疾病 Vitamin C: Electrons Toxins and Disease

维生素C钠的物质安全数据 Safety (MSDS) data for sodium ascorbate

维生素C的服用量和服用方法 by Vitamin C Foundation

维生素C可以治愈30多种重大疾病 Vitamin C Has Been Known to Cure over 30 Major Diseases for Over 50 Years by Andrew W.Saul

两届诺贝尔奖获得者 莱纳斯.鲍林传记 Two Time Noble Prize Laurate Linus Pauling Biography

莱纳斯.鲍林博士 最后的采访 Last Interview with Noble Prize Laureate Linus Pauling

Dr Rath 细胞健康系列 动脉粥样硬化 心肌梗塞和中风 Cellular Medicine series Anthrosclerosis Heart Attack and Stroke

Linus Pauling Dr Rath 人类心血管疾病的统一理论 Unified Theory of Human Cardiovascular Disease

正分子医学联合创始人ABRAM HOFFER 自传 Autobiography of Abram Hoffer MD


Beyond Vitamin C The Health Benefits of Rose Hips

SVCT1 and SVCT2:摄取维生素C的转运蛋白 SVCT1 and SVCT2: Key proteins for vitamin C uptake

肿瘤中的维生素C转运体 Vitamin C Transporters in Cancer

Extracellular iron diminishes anticancer effects of vitamin C: An in vitro study of Fenton reaction

High concentrations of ascorbic acid, through H2O2, induces apoptosis of human gastric cancer cell

High concentrations of L-ascorbic acid induces apoptosis in a human cervical cancer line

Apoptotic effects of hydrogen peroxide and vitamin C on chicken embryonic fibroblasts:redox state and programmed cell death

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) induces apoptosis of B16 murine melanoma cells

神经系统中维生素C转运蛋白 再利用和旁观者效应:SVCT2与Gluts  Vitamin C transporters, Recycling and the Bystander Effect in the Nervous Systerm: SVCT2 vs Gluts

Dehydroascorbic Acid (DHAA)-A vital natural form of vitamin C nd better than ascorbic acid in many metabolic processes

维生素C可以灭活狂犬病毒(体外实验) In vitro inactivation of the rabies virus by ascorbic acid

癌细胞对维生素C诱导的氧化压力 主要由癌细胞的过氧化氢酶活性调节 Natural resistance to ascorbic acid induced oxidative stress is mainly mediated by catalase activity in human cancer cells and catalase-silencing sensitizes to oxidative stress

Pro-oxidant effects of ascorbate


维生素C肠道吸收研究 Absorption of vitamin C in the gut


Protective efficacy of vitamins C/E on blocking DDT induced liver cytotoxicity

Vitamin C Protocol Cures Sepsis

Marik Vitamin C Protocol the Cure for Sepsis

Therapeutic efficacy of high-dose vitamin C on acute pancreatitis and its potential mechanisms

Clinical effect of intravenous vitamin C on viral myocarditis in children

The Role of Oxidative Stress in Viral Infections

Vitamin C blocks TNF-alpha-induced NF-kB activation and ICAM-1 expression in human neuroblastoma cells

Intravenous vitamin C as adjunctive therapy for enterovirus and rhinovirus induced acute respiratory distress syndrome

Immunomodulatory and antimicrobial effects of vitamin C

Vitamin C, a Multi-Tasking Molecule, Finds a Molecular Target in Killing Cancer Cells

Research:Realistic Observations on High Dose Intravenous Vitamin C in Supportive Cancer Care

Vitamin C Inhibits NF-κB Activation by TNF via the activation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase

Upregulation of TET activity with ascorbic acid induces epigenetic modulation of lymphoma cells

Vitamin C in Stem Cell Reprogramming and Cancer

Vitamin C: C-ing a New Way to Fight Leukemia

Vitamin-C as anti-Helicobacter pylori agent: More prophylactic than curative- Critical review

Hypoxia-induced inflammatory cytokine secretion in human adipose tissue stromovascular cells


氰化物中毒和维生素C Cyanide Poisoning and Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an effective cure for Sodium Nitrite Poisoning

Vitamin C for Panceatitis






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