Vitamin C should be given to the patient while the doctors ponder the diagnosis.”

                                     Frederick.R.Klenner M.D



Dr. Tom Levy, in the introduction to his invaluable book Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases and Toxins: Curing the Incurable, writes:

At the height of the polio epidemic in 1949, when all young parents lived in the fear that their babies and young children would be the next victims, Frederick R. Klenner, M.D., published that he had successfully cured 60 out of 60 polio patients who had presented to his office or to the emergency room! Furthermore, he reported that none of the 60 patients treated had any residual damage from the polio virus that often left its survivors crippled for life. This evidence was subsequently presented by Klenner in 1949 to an annual session of the American Medical Association that dealt with the treatment of polio patients. You will see that Klenner’s research and data are clear-cut and straightforward, and it will then be completely left up to the reader to determine how such information was ignored in the past and remains ignored today.

How it is, I don’t know, but the sad fact is these documented successful and dramatic vitamin C cures by Dr. Fred Klenner and others are ignored by the medical community. Dr. Klenner found in his practice that he could detoxify most virus diseases with intravenous doses of Vitamin C, which he used for even carbon monoxide poisoning, barbiturate poisoning, and snake bites.

I guess vitamin C is not politically correct. Life saving, but not politically correct. Affordable, without side effects, but not politically correct.

It’s almost as if doctors take a course in medical school that demands that they never depend on vitamin C to treat anything. Is there an anti vitamin C oath that a doctor has to take to graduate from medical school?

There are a few exceptions. The most well known of these besides Dr. Fred Klenner would be Dr. Robert Cathcart, Dr. Tom Levy, and the Nobel Laureate Dr. Linus Pauling.

All of these distinguished doctors have written extensively on their use of vitamin C. Dr. Klenner once wrote “Vitamin C should be given to the patient while the doctors ponder the diagnosis.” He knew from first hand experience that it could mean the difference between life and death. Here is one example he tells from his own experience that reinforces this maxim:

An adult male came to my office complaining of severe chest pain and the inability to take a deep breath. Stated that he had been “stung” or “bitten” 10 minutes earlier. Thinking that it was a Black Widow and not bothering to look for fang marks, due to the gravity of the situation, I gave one gram calcium gluconate intravenously. This gave no relief. He begged for help saying he was dying. He was becoming cyanotic [blue or livid skin from lack of oxygen]. Twelve grams of vitamin C was quickly pulled into a 50 c.c. syringe and with a 20 gauge needle was given intravenously as fast as the plunger could be pushed. Even before the injection was completed, he exclaimed, “Thank God”. The poison had been neutralized that rapidly. He was sent home to locate the “culprit”. He soon returned with an object that looked like a mouse. It was 1 1/2 inches long with long brown hair. There was a dark ridge down the entire back. It had seven pairs of propelling units and a tail much like a mouse. The following day I took “The Thing” to Duke University where it was identified as the Puss Caterpillar. This unusual caterpillar left 44 red raised marks on the back of its victim. Except for vitamin C this individual would have died from shock and asphyxiation.

If that man had walked into almost any other doctor’s office, he would have died. Of this I have no doubt.

Like Dr. Linus Pauling, I think of Dr. Klenner as a vitamin C pioneer. To understand why, you might want to read Klenner’s paper on Observations On the Dose and Administration of Ascorbic Acid When Employed Beyond the Range Of A Vitamin In Human Pathology .

After he submitted this paper, because of the unusually high amounts of ascorbic acid used in Dr. Klenner’s treatment, the editor asked him to verify the amounts mentioned. Following is his answer:

“To the Editor of the ICAN Journal: This will confirm that all ‘quantity’ factors given in my paper are correct and can be confirmed from hospital and medical office records. The notation relative to 150 grams represents the amount used for reversing pathology in a given case and was the amount given over a period of 24 hours. (The I.V. was continuous.) This was given in three bottles of 5D water, decanting only enough from 1000 c.c. to be replaced by the ‘C’ ampules.

“Recently the FDA has published a ‘warning’ that too much soda-ascorbate might be harmful, referring to the sodium ion. In reply to this I can state that for many years I have taken 10 to 20 grams of sodium ascorbate by mouth daily, and my blood sodium remains normal. These levels are checked by an approved laboratory. Twenty grams each day and my urine remains at or just above pH 6.”


Fred R. Klenner, M.D.

Here is a description of one of his 60 case histories of polio, summarized by Dr Lendon H. Smith, who abbreviated, summarized and annotated all of Klenner’s 27 papers into a 54 page booklet. (Do you and yourself a favor, print out Dr. Smith’s summary and share it with your doctor. It might save your life. But be forewarned, your doctor might be resistant to the information.)

Dr. Klenner described her as a five-year-old girl in 1951. This child had already been paralyzed in both her lower legs for over four days. The right leg was completely flaccid (limp), and the left leg was determined to be 85% flaccid. Pain was noticed especially in the knee and lumbar areas. Four consulting physicians confirmed the diagnosis of polio. Other than massage, vitamin C was the only therapy initiated.

After four days of vitamin C injections the child was again moving both legs, but with only very slow and deliberate movement. Klenner also noted that there was a “definite response” after only the first injection of vitamin C. The child was discharged from the hospital after four days, and 1,000 mg of oral vitamin C was continued every two hours with fruit juice for seven days. The child was walking about, although slowly, on the 11th day of treatment. By the 19th day of treatment there was a “complete return of sensory and motor function,” and no long-term impairment ever resulted. Vitamin C not only completely cured this case of polio, it completely reversed what would undoubtedly have been a devastating, crippling result for the remainder of this girl’s life.

Although his published paper on Vitamin C and polio was mostly ignored, he did receive letters from other doctors stating that they were able to get the same results following his recommendations.

Here is Dr. Klenner telling of another life-saving case history of vitamin C involving surgery:

In 1949, it was my privilege to assist at an abdominal exploratory laparotomy. A mass of small viscera was found “glued together”. The area was so friable that every attempt at separation produced a torn intestine. After repairing some 20 tears the surgeon closed the cavity as a hopeless situation. Two grams ascorbic acid was given by syringe every two hours for 48 hours and then 4 times each day. In 36 hours the patient was walking the halls and in seven days was discharged with normal elimination and no pain. She has outlived her surgeon by many years. We recommend that all patients take 10 grams ascorbic acid each day. Where this is not done and the surgery is elective, then 10 grams by mouth should be given for several weeks prior to surgery. At least 30 grams should be given, daily, in solutions, post-operatively, until oral medication is allowed and tolerated.

Here is a case history of his on Pesticide Poisoning

Three boys ranging in years from age seven to age 12 were walking along a North Carolina Highway. They were caught in the “spray” of a dusting airplane. The youngest boy had been covered by the other two and so received little exposure. He was seen in the emergency room of the local hospital and sent home. The other two boys had different physicians. One lad age 12, under our care, was given 10 grams of ascorbic acid with a 50 c.c. syringe every 8 hours. The concentration was one gram for each 5 c.c. dilutent. He was returned home on the second hospital day. The third boy received supportive treatment but did not receive ascorbic acid. His body was something to see. The spray had produced an allergic dermatitis as well as a chemical burn. He died on the 5th hospital day.

Here is a case history on Nasal Diphtheria

Three children, living in the same neighborhood, developed nasal diphtheria. All three children had different physicians. A little girl under our care was given 10 grams ascorbic acid, intravenously, with a 50 c.c. syringe every 8 hours for the first 24 hours and then every 12 hours for two times. She was then put on one gram ascorbic acid every two hours by mouth. She lived and is now a graduate nurse. The other children did not receive ascorbic acid and both died. Our young patient also received 40,000 units diphtheria antitoxin which was given intraperitoneal. The other children also were administered the antitoxin.

Biography of Dr. Frederick R. Klenner

Dr. Klenner had a long and successful practice in Reidsville, North Carolina. He completed his studies at Duke University and received his medical degree in 1936. Dr. Klenner served three years in post-graduate hospital training before embarking on a private practice in medicine. Although specializing in diseases of the chest, he continued to do general practice because of the opportunities it afforded for observations in medicine. His patients were as enthusiastic as he in playing guinea pigs to study the action of ascorbic acid. The first massive doses of ascorbic acid he gave to himself. Each time something new appeared on the horizon he took the same amount of ascorbic acid to study its effects so as to come up with the answers.

Dr. Klenner’s list of honors and professional society affiliations is tremendous. He is listed in a flock of various “Who’s Who” registers. He has published many scientific papers throughout his scientific career.
He is considered the most influential proponent of Vitamin C