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维生素C  巴德维疗法  松花粉  运动疗法 阳光疗法  抗衰老   抗病毒/乙肝   English



巴德维饮食-科学家在60年前发现的治愈癌症的方法 Budwig Diet A Cancer Cure Found by Dr.Budwig 60 Years Ago

巴德维疗法的原理 Mechanisms of Budwig Diet

The Lipid Bilayer of Cell Membrane

The plasma membrane as a capacitor for energy and metabolism

Cell membrane causes the lipid bilayers to behave as variable capacitors: A resonance with self induction of helical proteins

Decreased membrane fluidity and altered susceptibility to peroxidation and lipid composition in overweight and obese female erythrocytes

Membrane flexibility free fatty acid and the onset of vascular and neurological lesions in type 2 diabetes

UCLA: Curry spice, omega-3 fatty acid preserve walking abiliity following spinal-cord injury

巴德维博士 生命的光元素:亚麻籽和脂肪酸: Johanna Budwig, The Photoelements of Life, Linseed and fatty acids:Johanna Budwig

Light eating the wild electron

脂肪酸综合征和太阳的能量的光子 Fat's Syndrome and Photons as Solar Energy

巴德维疗法治疗癌症的科学依据 The Scientific Basis of Using Flaxseed Oil and Quark or Cottage Cheese to Cure Cancer

巴德维疗法背后的科学 (附案例) The Science Behind the Budwig Diet (with Testimonials)

奥拓瓦伯格发现了癌症的原因 巴德维发现了治愈癌症的营养疗法 Otto Warburg found the Cause of Cancer, Budwig Found the Cure for Cancer

亚麻籽的抗炎作用 Anti-inflammatory benefits of flaxseed

加州大学圣地亚哥分校 亚麻籽中的亚麻酸可以杀死幽门螺旋杆菌 Linolenic acid from Flaxseed kills H.pylori, the main cuplit for stomach cancer

多伦多大学 亚麻籽可以预防乳腺癌 University of Toronto Preventing Breast Cancer with Flax Seeds

亚麻籽油-降低血糖和对抗糖尿病 Flaxseed oil-lowers blood sugar and fight diabetes

欧米茄-3脂肪酸抑制单核细胞对人类内皮细胞的粘附 Omega-3 fatty acids suppress monocyte adhesion to human endothelial cells:role of endothelial PAF generatio

脂肪酸对内皮细胞的影响:欧米茄-6脂肪酸促进炎症,而欧米茄-3脂肪酸抑制炎症 Effects of fatty acids on endothelial cells:Omega-6 proinflammatory while Omega-3 anti-inflammatory

对肩颈腰背痛 欧米茄3脂肪酸与普通消炎药同等或更有效 Omega-3 Fatty Acids Equal or More Effective Than NSAIDS

伦敦大学 鱼油 亚麻籽可以预防和治疗神经损伤 Omega-3 fatty acids could prevent and treat nerve damage, University of London

欧米茄3脂肪酸治疗严重高甘油三酯患者 Patients With Very High Triglycerides and Treatment with Omega-3s

22年的追踪研究发现 对中年男性 高游离脂肪酸水平可导致突然死亡 High fatty acid levels may mean sudden death for middle-aged men

What Is Trans Fat—And Why Is It so bad for you

一切的健康始于细胞膜和线粒体 All health starts in the cell membrane and mitochondria

Repair the membrane restore the body innovative approaches to regaining optimal health and science behind them

保持细胞膜健康-细胞膜损伤加速衰老 Keep Cell Membrane Healthy

修复细胞膜 Reparing the Cell Membrane

Repairing the Damaged Plasma Memmbrane of the Cell and the Membrane-Bound Organelles


Algae:our original omega-3 source

The Paramagnetic Properties of Oxygen,Mitochondria and Implications

DHA:现代人脑的一种古老营养素 DHA:an ancient nutrient for modern human brain


GPR120 Is an Omega-3 Fatty Acid Receptor Mediating Potent Anti-inflammatory and Insulin-sensitizing Effects

The Evidence for alpha-linolenic Acid and Cardiovascular Disease Benefits:Comparisons with EPA and DHA

Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) differentially affects TNFα and IL-6 expression in LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 murine macrophages





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