生命的光元素:亚麻籽和脂肪酸 巴德维博士
Linseed and fatty acids: Johanna Budwig
"the resonance system, which is rich in the electrons from the photons of solar energy, as the long sought anti-entropic factor in human beings. These electrons of the essential fatty acids still reveal their affinity for their ancestors in the photons of the sun."---Dr.Johanna Budwig
介绍巴德维(Johanna Budwig)博士关于治愈癌症的自然疗法的发现,使人们对她的研究背景有了深刻的认识。
如果细胞膜的完整性依赖于必需的脂肪酸——确实如此——那么,吃了这个社会包装食品的人怎么能声称自己有健康的细胞膜呢? 亚健康的细胞膜很可能很普遍——这可能是许多慢性和代谢性疾病的主要原因吗?这可能是我们社会广泛存在的许多神经和激素缺乏问题背后的主要原因吗?有缺陷的细胞膜可能是导致青少年犯罪等社会问题的一个因素吗?
美妙的大自然所提供的多不饱和脂肪, 就是我们现在所熟知的α-亚麻酸,在我们的生活、健康和人类一样方面所起的作用远大于我们的想象。
Johanna Budwig博士不是一个家喻户晓的名字,虽然她现在在美国正在获得某些替代医学和健康宣传圈的认可,在美国在1988年夏季版原始小报的搜索健康,我们首次发表了Budwig博士最重要的一本小书,生命的光元素The Photonelements of Life。那本小书在本期中全部重印。
在我们看来,Budwig博士和Otto Warburg, Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, William E Koch, Max Gerson, Andrew Ivy, Linus Pauling等人都属于癌症研究名人堂。Warburg、Szent-Gyorgyi和Pauling都是生物化学领域的诺贝尔奖得主,他们都完全被该组织所接受,尽管鲍林博士因其对维生素C的非正统观点而受到抨击(译者注:鲍林博士关于维生素C治疗癌症的观点已被证实是正确的)。
与此同时,威廉·弗雷德里克·科赫(William Frederick Koch)博士不仅同意沃伯格的观点,而且还宣布了他自己的发现,即即使癌症已经发展到一定程度,也可以通过生化途径“重新启动”“强劲的细胞氧化”。在科赫漫长的职业生涯中,他的治疗几乎治愈了成千上万的人,但他却遭到癌症组织的攻击,被迫离开美国,被迫在巴西度过了最后的几十年。在长期的医疗垄断渎职史上,对科赫博士的镇压是关于傲慢、无知和欺诈的最悲惨的故事之一。
1949年,当他们给才华横溢的巴德维博士(Dr. Budwig)一项评估任务时,几乎没有人知道,她将给生物学和医学带来革命性的变化。
她的书《The Photoelements of Life生命的光元素》……专门论述她对那个话题的看法。
当她与科学巨人的研究并列时,她的发现在她内心激起的巨大兴奋之情,是我们这些远离科学巨人的人所无法想象的。毕竟,是Johanna Budwig,而不是Otto Warburg或Albert Szent-Gyorgyi发现了“人体生物化学中的秘密第二伙伴,它利用电子来进行强劲的细胞氧化。”
在1949年,这是生物化学领域最伟大的科学家们迫切寻求的一个秘密。沃伯格,例如,还是寻求“携氧酶” 而另一些人则认为“神秘物质”似乎是在细胞色素氧化酶, 一个重要的氧化酶, 当时仍有部分的细胞色素氧化酶尚未分离和分析。因此,备受尊敬的托尔斯滕•森伯格把1951年命名为——Budwig发现年the Budwig year of discovery——宣布:“通过在细胞的自氧化系统中找到磺基基团的第二个伙伴,整个医学问题将达到顶峰。”
以此同时,到1951年,在美国,科赫博士已经帮助成千上万的癌症患者快速地击退了肿瘤。他在正在发酵的癌细胞中创造了一种“无烟之火”,这种“无烟之火”是由他的外部“不饱和”化学物质Glyoxilide 产生的。
我们把巴德维博士的注意力转移到科赫博士的工作上,但在她目前的苦闷状态下,她没有意识到他也在正确的轨道上。科赫博士的极度稀释的GLYOXILIDE产品需要“完美的阳光”才能制造出“母液”。他可能不像巴德维博士那样了解与他所描述的“强氧化”有关的电子云构型,但不可否认的是,他明白“碳双键”在细胞氧化中的重要性。从化学角度讲glyoxilide就是O-C=C-O; 这就是双键碳每个碳原子外面都有一个氧原子。“多不饱和”亚麻酸在链中有两个类似脂肪酸结构的双键。
"Szent-Gyorgyi说电子池(Elecron pool)是他的发现,尽管他知道我和20年前Friedrich Dessauer的作品,就像我为他引用的那样"
“伟大的物理学家之一,”巴德维博士说,“欧文·薛定谔(Erwin Schrodinger)曾在1951年(又是那一年)写过一篇文章,说他曾与多位科学家和营养学家交谈过。他声称,没有人能告诉他,人类从哪里得到反熵因子来维持自己的温度,这与物理学中普遍有效的温度平衡相反。
《The Photoelements of Life生命的光元素》对这个话题进行了详细的解释。对于一个科学机构来说,这是一个敏感的话题,它完全未能解释这个明显的自然现象,是什么使人类远远高于动物王国中其他哺乳动物。
所以,Johanna Budwig博士在宣布:“我是第一个将共振系统指定为人类长期以来寻求的反熵因子,共振系统从太阳能的光子中富含电子。这些必需脂肪酸的电子仍然在太阳的光子中显示出它们与祖先的亲和力。
很明显,当人们听到Budwig博士讲述她的故事时,她对某些科学家留下了深刻的印象。其中一位是德索尔(Dessauer)教授。她告诉《健康搜索》(Search for Health)杂志,1954年,德索尔(Dessauer)写了《量子生物学》(Quantenbiologie)一书。Budwig博士的字:
首先是这个故事: 关于使用黑背景显微镜和两相对比显微镜。她解释说,1951年,她收到了关于在黑视野显微镜下对癌症病人进行检测的信息。
在医生的实践中,我确定了以下几点:从巴黎的冯·布雷默(Von Brehmer)或海坦(Heitan)那里得到的关于黑背景测试的描述,到1953年已经过时了。例如,在癌症患者的原生血液中,我发现癌细胞堆积在一起的呈圆柱形的红细胞,在健康人的血液中可以清晰的观察到,在癌症患者的血液中并不存在。可以看到红细胞聚集在一起,正常红细胞光滑的边缘可以辨认,呈卷状,呈香肠状突起。蠕虫状的形态从这些边缘移出,明白无误地存在着,易于辨认,可拍照的蠕虫状的生物。
虽然她对微观血液的解释可能会受到其他人的挑战,但这个故事的重要部分是对加斯顿·内森(Gaston Naessens)、格瑟·恩德莱因(Guenther Enderlein)、安托万·贝尚(Antoine Bechamp)等人的“躯体论Somatid thesis”的证实。
Budwig博士对“蠕虫样的生物”的观察证实了肉体理论(Somatid thesis)。这是一篇推测,指出亚微生物总是生活在动物,植物和人类的液体中。这些微小生物在“正常”状态下可能具有增强能量的功能,但当它们生活的“环境”受到污染或不健康时,这些微小生物就会循环形成对有机体有害的形式。这种循环中的一种形式是一种“蠕虫样”的酵母菌,这种酵母菌经常在长期患病患者的血液中被黑暗领域的显微镜专家发现。
Budwig博士提醒我们,Otto Warburg在1966年4月21日在微生物学会议上的讲话中说:
那么现代饮食和癌症呢?最近我们在媒体上听到很多关于这个话题的报道。但是,他们今天所说的真的有意义吗? 关于脂肪和油的宣传是什么? 是多不饱和和饱和的废话吗?
既然SEARCH FOR HEATLH已经出版,出版商和读者都可以明智地向政府提出建议,为更多毫无价值的研究提供的资助应该限制。相反,对Budwig, Koch, Gerson等人被忽视和压制的作品的评论必须引起所有人——科学家和外行人的充分关注。这将使个人重新思考,使健康科学重回正轨。
The Photoelements of Life, Linseed and fatty acids: Johanna Budwig
excerpted from Search for Health Jan/Feb 93
With Tom Valentine
Welcome to this tenth page devoted to the discoveries of Dr. Johanna Budwig on the subject of healing cancer the natural way. It gives a fascinating insight into the background of her research.
If cell membrane integrity depends upon essential fatty acids-and it does-how could anyone eating the packaged foods of this society claim to have healthy cell membranes? Poor quality cell membranes are most likely pervasive-could this be the major contributor to so many chronic and metabolic diseases? Could this be the prime factor behind so many nerve and hormone deficiency problems so widely experienced in our society? Could faulty cell membranes possibly be a contributing factor to social problems such as juvenile delinquency?
Today the medical establishment is condescending a little in the area of nutrition. But it is too little, too late. Long, long ago, ingenious researchers proved beyond doubt that faulty nutrition can lead to cell weakness and cause degeneration and disease.
Why don't today's experts know this?
They certainly should know-established science has awarded the highly prestigious Nobel Prize to several scientists who learned the facts about human cell respiration, and its physiology and biochemistry long ago. At the same time established science ignored and suppressed other great scientists with the final proofs of this simple, yet profound bastion of good health---quality nutrition leads to quality cells and cell metabolism. With such potent natural quality your body does not succumb to cancer or other disease.
That's our thesis. Now for our proof.
The wonderful polyunsaturated fat provided by nature that we know as α-Linolenic acid has a far, far greater role in life, health and human nutrition than any of us may have heretofore suspected.
The scientist who expressed it thoroughly more than 40 years ago has been denigrated to the quack heap by the world's research establishment and by the food industry refiners who control the minions of the media. Whether it has been an evil conspiracy to keep power and profit in the hands of the medical elite, or it is a greater part ignorance fuelled by arrogance is left for you to decide. Here are the facts, put together cohesively for the first time.
Dr. Johanna Budwig is hardly a household name, although she is now gaining a well deserved reputation in certain alternative and health advocacy circles in the U.S. In the Summer 1988 edition of our original tabloid Search for Health, we published for the first time in the English language Photoelements of Life, a translation of one of Dr. Budwig's most important books. That short book is reprinted in its entirety in this issue.
In our opinion, Dr. Budwig belongs in the cancer research Hall of Fame along with Otto Warburg, Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, William E Koch, Max Gerson, Andrew Ivy, Linus Pauling and so forth. Warburg, Szent-Gyorgyi and Pauling are all Nobel Prize winners in biochemistry and are fully accepted by the establishment, although Dr. Pauling has taken flak for his unorthodox views on vitamin C.
Dr. Budwig was nominated for an [alternative] Nobel prize seven times by highly qualified peers, but she was passed over for reasons that will be obvious.
Today Dr. Budwig is in her mid 80s and enjoys a small measure of fame as Europe's "Linseed Lady." For the past 40 years she has been treating cancer patients by simply feeding and applying fresh, natural linseed or flaxseed oil. She has had amazing successes and her fame as an unorthodox physician has spread even to America. She now receives many Americans as patients and she has also helped AIDS patients in crisis keep that disease in control.
But her successful treatments are only part of the story. The big story is her scientific discoveries and how the establishment mistreated them.
In the earliest days of what may be called modern cancer research, the germ theory was forced to give ground to biochemistry because it became apparent to many researchers that the answer to the cause or causes of cancer was chronic and metabolic and not infectious.
This means that finding the cause of cancer and the best ways to prevent or treat it would most likely come from biochemists and not medical doctors from the "wonder drug" school of thought. Of course those powerful persons immersed in the "wonder drug" mentality, who had claimed success against infectious diseases like tuberculosis, smallpox and so forth, were more than a little reluctant to admit this and give up some of their power and glory.
In 1926 Otto Warburg published his research on cell oxidation, proving that cancer cells were normal cells that were somehow reduced to a lesser energy, called fermentation. Dr. Warburg won the Nobel Prize for this discovery.
At the same time William Frederick Koch, MD, PhD, not only agreed with Warburg, but announced his own discovery of the biochemical pathway to "restarting" the "robust cell oxidation" even after the cancer had progressed. Koch's therapies cured virtually tens of thousands of people during his long career, but he was attacked by the cancer establishment and driven out of America-forced to live his final decades in Brazil. The suppression of Dr. Koch is one of the most tragic tales of arrogance, ignorance and chicanery in the long history of medical monopoly malpractice.
Over the years, the "wonder drug" influence over cancer research quietly steered the Warburg/Koch thesis away from the idea that cellular oxidation held the key to all chronic and metabolic disease-a conclusion so obviously correct that one wonders how any school of thought could be steered in another direction.
Cancer research became deliberately specialized and compartmentalized so that research funding sources held all the power, thereby curbing any chances for individuals to solve the mystery diseases and destroy the monopoly. That sounds harsh, but it fits the facts of history.
Into this scientific environment came Dr. Budwig. She was a brilliant student who excelled in both physics and chemistry-eventually earning doctoral degrees in both. In one of our many interviews, she told Health:
"I am a qualified pharmaceutical chemist as well as a qualified physicist having graduated with distinction in both disciplines in 1936 and 1938. I was the scientific assistant to Professor H. P. Kaufmann, who was widely known as the 'Fettpapst' (Fats Pope) because of his great knowledge of lipid chemistry."
"From 1939 on, I was in charge of the dispensary in a military hospital with 5000 beds. In 1949, I returned to Dr. Kaufmann's facility in Munster at his request and I was immediately assigned the post of State Expert for Chemical Research on Drugs and Fats."
Little did the establishment know that when they gave the brilliant Dr. Budwig an evaluation assignment in 1949, that she would revolutionize biological and medical science.
"As part of an evaluation of drugs based on sulfhydryl groups, I was confronted with the fact that no blood-chemical measure existed to test fat metabolism."
Her knowledge of physics and chemistry came into play and she utilized radioactive isotopes of iodine and cobalt to develop a technique with paper chromatography that allowed her research team to "determine the exact valences and confirm theories on fat metabolism."
Suddenly the biochemical importance of certain fatty acids became clear to her. She was the very first scientist to realize the "physics" behind the nature of polyunsaturated fat biochemistry. This was a momentous discovery.
Her pioneering work was published in 1951. She was the first to be able to analyse fat in living blood, thus opening the door to a vast new and important technology around the world.
Because of her background in quantum physics-the discipline of Max Planck, Niels Bohr and Albert Einstein-she was able to connect what must be called the "biophysics" of α-Linolenic acid with the vital biochemistry of cellular oxidation. She was the first to focus upon, and to this day remains alone in her understanding of, the electron clouds affiliated with polyunsaturated linolenic acid and the role this plays in cell oxidation and in linking man's vital energy back to the source of all life-the sun.
Her book, Photoelements of Life, ... deals exclusively with her views on that topic.
[W]hen she was []a peer of the realm of scientific giants, the immense excitement her discovery raised within her can only be imagined by those of us so far removed from it. After all, it was Johanna Budwig, not Otto Warburg or Albert Szent-Gyorgyi who discovered the "secret second partner in the body's biochemistry for using electrons in its robust cellular oxidation."
In 1949, this was a secret eagerly sought by the greatest scientific minds in biochemistry. Warburg, for example, was still seeking „the oxygen carrying enzyme," while others were suggesting that the "mystery substance" appeared to be in the cytochrome oxidase, a vital oxidation enzyme whose parts were not yet reduced and analyzed. So, it is not purely coincidental that the highly regarded Torsten Thunberg announced in 1951-the Budwig year of discovery- that: "the whole problem of medicine will reach its climax by finding the second partner for the sulfhydryl groups in the auto-oxidation system of the cells."
Along these same lines, in the United States, Dr. Koch had already produced rapid tumor regressions in thousands of cancer patients by 1951. He had created a "smokeless fire" in the fermenting cancer cells with his externally "unsaturated“ chemical called glyoxylide.
Koch's bio-biochemical product generated the "robust cellular oxidation“ that is "uniquely human," and that natural process of life oxidized, reduced and removed the disease it encountered.
We called Dr. Budwig's attention to the work of Dr. Koch, but in her present state of bitterness she did not recognize that he, too, was on the right track. Dr. Koch's extremely diluted glyoxylide product required "perfect sunlight" to create the "mother liquor." He was perhaps not as aware as Dr. Budwig of the electron cloud configurations involved in the "robust oxidation" he described, but there is no denying that he understood the importance of "double bonds of carbon" in cell oxidation. Glyoxylide, chemically speaking, is simply O-C=C-O; that's simply double bonded carbon with an oxygen atom outside each carbon atom. The "polyunsaturated" linolenic acid has two double carbon bonds close together in the chain like fatty acid structure.
Those of us not familiar with chemistry can take our clues from the results of the cancer treatments provided by both Dr. Budwig and Dr. Koch to attest to the veracity of this technical claim. Curiously, this magnificent genius on both sides of the Atlantic was met with the same powerful suppression from the entrenched cancer research monopoly.
Dr. Budwig explained the scientific climate at the time of her discovery:
'Warburg and Thunberg were unable to isolate or understand this mystery substance of the cell biocatalysts in tissue. Likewise the Japanese in their study [of] the ferment 'laccatase’ in plants, and the French in studying 'philothion,' or in the lecithin-type substances of phosphatide combinations. Von Euler wrote that the substance seems to be very unstable. Szent-Gyorgyi wrote the same thing prior to 1951. This substance they all sought was responsible for electron displacement and for the fact that not only protons, but also electrons flow over the hydrogen bridge. This great unknown in the cytochrome oxidase function was defined by me for the first time as linolenic acid. I proved it with numerous experiments, later shown to be particularly effective in the linoleic-linolenic acid system."
Linoleic and linolenic acid are found more abundantly in fresh flaxseed oil than any other nutritional source-knowing this, Dr. Budwig experimented with diets and oil poultice treatments for cancer patients while at the same time examining their blood and watching for the telltale signs in the bloodstream fats.
Today we know that cell membranes are, or should be, composed of fatty acids and proteins in a remarkably balanced biochemical combination that allows mineral ions and other nutrients to enter and leave cells as part of the function of life.
Warburg, Szent-Gyorgyi and others were aware that fat somehow played a role in the "unknown substance" they were seeking. Discovery would give them what Dr. Koch had found-cell oxidation reversibility. Bringing robust oxidation back to a suddenly low-energy, fermenting cell.
Dr. Budwig explained..
"In his studies of sea urchin eggs, Warburg never once thought of what substance in the tissue delivered the material. His experimental effort to reactivate the auto-oxidation ability of cell membrane proves this. He wrote on this point that anything even resembling an explanation was 'premature' at that time.
"In 1926, when he published on the insufficient oxygen uptake of cancer cells, he believed it had something to do with fat metabolism. He tried to prove this assumption by using butter and coconut oil, both of which are saturated fats (no room for electrons). His experiments did not work, and he noted that he could find no reason for the failure of the experiment.
"I assumed that Professor Warburg would recognize the significance of my discovery regarding the essential fatty acids and their role in the electro-kinetic power of the cell. In 1952 I repeatedly sent him my works and wrote to him. He refused to meet with me to discuss it.“
Even with the blessings of her mentor, the noted Professor Kaufmann, Dr. Budwig was unable to dent the dogmatic armor of the egocentric cancer research establishment.
Thunberg, by this time an emeritus professor, did not neglect her. Back in 1911 this brilliant scientist had written about the biology of the sulfhydryl group in which he stated that the study of "uncertain unsaturated fatty acid groups" is vitally important to expanding biochemical knowledge. He was correct in that assumption, but evidently Warburg and others had not recalled his prophetic statement. With apparent pride, Dr. Budwig recalled: ,,Professor Thunberg sent me a copy of that little book from 1911 after I published my discoveries in 1951.“
Official history unscrupulously omits Dr. Budwig's contribution, and telling the truth tarnishes some shining names. Warburg was not the only Nobel winner to ignore Dr. Budwig's vital discovery. Other giants of scientific history missed the significance of "fat."
"Szent-Gyorgyi dealt with my published works, but he never acknowledged me," she said bitterly. "For example, he ignored me in his book Electronic Biology and Cancer, even though he was fully aware of my discovery."
How can she be so sure he was aware of her work?
"His book was reviewed by Professor Resch before publication, and Professor Resch immediately sent me the documents for comment. My comments were presented by Professor Resch to Szent-Gyorgyi for his response. In spite of reminders, he never answered.
"Szent-Gyorgyi speaks of an electron pool as his discovery, even though he knew of my works and the works of Friedrich Dessauer 20 years earlier, as I had cited for him."
And then there was Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling. Dr. Budwig explained:
"In 1960, Dr. Pauling described the function of the hydrogen bridge, but once again there was no mention of the electron donor for the function of the hydrogen bridge. Dr. Pauling asked for my works and I sent them. I have the receipt of delivery. But when the book came out, he made no mention of the electron donor I described. Later, his attempts to introduce citric acid into cancer therapy were a failure. Why did he duck the real electron donor in fat metabolisms?"
Why, indeed!
In addition to everything else she has done, Dr. Budwig also makes an unabashed claim that the nature of the essential fatty acids and their special relationship with electrons and protons derived from sunlight provide mankind with its "anti-entropic factor." This is a profound claim!
"One of the great physicists," Dr. Budwig stated, "Erwin Schrodinger, had written in 1951 (there's that year again) that he had talked with various scientists and nutritionists. None of them, he claimed, could tell him where man gets the anti-entropic factor to maintain his temperature contrary to the temperature balance generally valid in physics."
Photoelements of Life details her views on this profound subject. It's a touchy subject for a scientific establishment that has utterly failed to deal with this apparent natural phenomenon that sets man far above the rest of the mammals in the animal kingdom.
Dr. Koch must have rocked the boat also when he declared that the human cell oxidation was “far more robust" than that of lower animals.
The question becomes: how did such a thing evolve, then?
You see the problem? The best solution for a scientific and academic establishment that wants the general public to remain docile and ignorant is to ignore the question and the claim.
In the eyes of modern science, we are merely animals. A "higher order" somehow, but animal kingdom nevertheless. Dismiss the notion that the Bible states humans are Created in God’s Image because this is meaningless in a scientific context.
Okay, fine-why did Schroedinger inquire about the human "anti-entropic factor?" Why not the mammalian "anti -entropic" factor? Wasn't he referring simply to "warm- blooded animals?"
No. Budwig points out that the problem arises when we have to calculate the energy requirements for constant thinking, as well as moving around. Entropy isn't a problem encountered when figuring the energy required by a cow chewing its cud or a monkey picking fleas.
Of course, the amazing faculties of the human mind are a difficult problem for evolutionists to explain in the first place.
So, Dr. Johanna Budwig really staked a claim for scientific gold when she announced: "I was the first to designate the resonance system, which is rich in the electrons from the photons of solar energy, as the long sought antientropic factor in human beings. These electrons of the essential fatty acids still reveal their affinity for their ancestors in the photons of the sun."
Her expressions in English may not be as concise as they would be in her native language. However, her book, which we have reprinted in this issue, deals with this amazing claim in detail.
It is apparent when one hears Dr. Budwig tell her story that she was strongly impressed by certain scientists. One of them was Professor Dessauer. She told Search for Health that in 1954 Dessauer wrote Quantenbiologie, and in his first chapter he pointed out the problem with the suppressive mind set of the establishment. In Dr. Budwig's words:
"Researchers in border areas have a hard time. The old occupants of professor's chairs feel threatened." Then she added: “In the case of my work, we have the additional factor that big business, also threatened by my findings on fats and oils, immediately formed interest groups together with these all-too orthodox professorial chairs.”
Now we are back to the more mundane aspects of this woman's suppressed science. She has spent the last 40 years in a running battle with the food industry moguls. The evolutionist guardians and the cancer establishment were pikers next to the powerful food industry monopoly. This woman had dared to call attention to the "criminal treatment of natural oils by the refining processes."
She was the first scientist to challenge the nutritional horrors created by refining vegetable oils with high temperatures, pressures and solvents-and all this comes before the process of hydrogenation.
To make things worse, she openly and publicly called for consumers to boycott the supermarket culture and return to the use of local purveyors of fresh, cold-pressed vegetable oils. It must have really irked big business to hear such things from a recognized authority on fats and oils with outstanding credentials wh[ose] research was defended by the "Fat Pope" Dr. Kaufmann himself.
By 1951 the huge corporations that dominate the world were consolidated globally. Dr. Budwig's truth telling could not be allowed to infect the minds of scientists elsewhere. The vegetable oil processing moguls, who were anticipating the tremendous growth of their industry on a worldwide scale (thanks to the pending cholesterol scare[1] they fostered among their in-house scientists), would not tolerate any scientist who dared tinker with their planned economic growth. You don't think the "vegetable oil boom merely evolved, do you? Frustrated by the unrelenting food industry pressure, and at the lack of recognition for her research, Dr. Budwig turned to the study of medicine in 1955. She decided to become a medical doctor. Of course, it didn't take long for her to learn that one of the surest ways to commit medical career hara-kiri is to treat cancer with unorthodox methods.
Back in 1952, while she still felt that her work would be recognized, Dr. Budwig considered the problem of cancer and human nutrition-something very much in vogue today, but with the emphasis on fats sorely misplaced. She published an oil-protein combination diet for cancer patients way back then. She stressed that the amount of fresh linseed oil should be based upon the size and nature of the individual patient. She also developed external linseed oil treatments featuring added wheat germ oil and "ethereal oils."
Taking the unsaturated fatty acids in through the skin apparently has considerable merit. Dr Budwig has had decades of success with her methods. "For example," she explained, "I succeeded in bringing about a change to healthy functioning of the bowels two hours before scheduled surgery for colon cancer. The surgery became unnecessary. I succeeded in changing the membrane function so that within 12 hours the expulsion of life-threatening ascites (peritoneal fluids) took place. I also succeeded in making metastases to bone, which were present from head to knee, almost totally disappear. This should demonstrate how fundamentally (basically natural and robust) this change in fat metabolism works.
"In the clinic the speed with which the cancer-linked anemia disappeared was impressive. I used this therapy in several university clinics in Göttingen from 1955 to 1959 in agreement with the head professors of the universities."
Then Dr. Budwig related a story that even she may not be aware has considerable scientific significance of the suppressed kind.
First the story: Comments had been written in a U .S. publication regarding the use of dark field microscopy and two-phase contrast microscopy. She explained that in 1951 she had received information about tests conducted on cancer patients under dark field microscopy.
Then in 1953:
"I had a chance to use my oil-protein diet in a doctor's practice. The doctor was the patient. I drove to the Ernst Leitz firm to get a dark field microscope and to be trained in its use.
"I spent eight days there. I saw a two-phase contrast microscope standing there. The company was of the opinion that it was useable only in pure water solutions. We began to test native blood there. (freshly removed whole blood). This resulted in marvellous findings on the functions of blood. I learned to use the microscope at every level and with every ocular. The Leitz firm immediately placed the entire microscope, including the camera, at my disposal free of charge.
"In the doctor's practice, I established the following: The descriptions of dark field testing coming from Von Brehmer or Heitan in Paris were already out of date by 1953. In native blood of cancer patients, for example, I discovered cylinder-shaped forms of red blood cells stacked upon each other, which can be clearly observed in the healthy, are not present in the blood of cancer patients. The red blood corpuscles are visible, baked together in conglomerates, the smooth edges of the normal red blood cells are recognizable, roll-shaped and with sausage-like elevations. Worm-shaped forms move out of these edges, unmistakably living, easily recognizable, photographable worm-like living creatures.
"At that time I named them 'cancerobes.'
"I had the patients come fasting in the mornings and gave them, after the first blood test, my oil-protein diet muesli. When the patients returned after a two-hour walk in the fresh air, the criteria for cancer were no longer present in the native blood of these patients. The red blood cells had smooth edges on the circular discs. They were already lying upon each other in cylinder-shaped forms. One could already recognize the luminous lipoid edges on the sides of the red blood cells. However, after 24 hours the criteria for cancer were again present. Thus, I was able to observe the course of my therapy. A cancer patient who had been free of the criteria for cancer for weeks came in one day for a check-up. To my surprise, I discovered a large number of worm-shaped living forms in her blood. She admitted that the day before she had eaten some 'Landjäger' (dry sausage). So, the doctor who uses this microscope in his practice has an additional and excellent means of diagnosis and monitoring."
While her interpretation of the microscopic blood may be challenged by others, the important part of that story is its confirmation of the "somatid thesis" of Gaston Naessens, Guenther Enderlein, Antoine Bechamp and others.
At Search for health we are constantly monitoring the progress of the "unorthodox" microscopists who have been challenging entrenched orthodoxy for 150 years.
Dr. Budwig's observation of "wormlike living things" is a confirmation of the somatid thesis. This is a thesis that states there are sub-microscopic organisms always living in the fluids of animals, plants and humans. These tiny organisms may have an energy enhancing function in their "normal" state, but when the "terrain" in which they live becomes polluted or less than healthy, the tiny creatures cycle into forms that can be harmful to the organism. One of the forms in the cycle is a "worm-like" yeast often found in the blood of the chronically ill by experts in dark field microscopy.
Dr. Budwig may be fully conversant with the microscopic works of Enderlein, famed zoologist from Berlin, but we have had no indication of this, so her story seems more like an independent confirmation of another suppressed scientific controversy.
Anyway, as Dr. Budwig was striving to become a medical doctor and at the same time was treating cancer patients in her own way, the establishment closed in and cut her off from the scientific and medical community. She filed a lawsuit and became embroiled in a protracted battle for her reputation, and for the lives of cancer victims. In 1990 she finally won a legal victory that provided a kind of vindication after all these years.
It is a sickeningly common story from the annals of science and medicine. There have been numerous outstanding physicians and researchers who have seen better ways to deal with chronic and metabolic disease than the anointed methods of orthodoxy. However, each time one of these individuals dares claim success for the unorthodox, the entrenched powers come down hard and suppress the research and denigrate the individual. One dares not claim any solution for cancer that is "not approved."
Compare History of Alternative Cancer Treatments.
Today we are told by the minions of the cancer establishment that the "cause of cancer remains unknown," and that "cancer is many diseases, very complex." Neither is true.
Dr. Budwig reminded us that Otto Warburg, in an address to a conference on microbiology, April 21, 1966, said this:
"A host of cancer researchers are proclaiming the dogma that it is not known what cancer is. The dogma of agnosticism must cease and one no longer has any excuse delaying the prevention of cancer."
That was one of the cancer establishment's early superstars saying the establishment line is full of holes-and he made that statement a full six years before officials in the U.S. declared "war on cancer" with billions of badly spent dollars in 1972.
Of course, if the cancer establishment admitted that Warburg was correct, there would be no need for the billions of dollars continuing to flow into research. In 1966, when he made that powerful statement, Warburg was too old to care about the conflict of interest ramifications his words contained for cancer researchers.
Dr. Budwig wryly suggested that the entrenched cancer research establishment merely follows the old English saying:
"It is better to travel than to arrive."
What about the modern diet and cancer? We hear a lot about this subject in the media these days. But, does what they say today really make any sense? What about the propaganda concerning fats and oils-is it polyunsaturated and saturated malarkey?
Dr. Budwig responded:
"The modern diet is terrible. It is death and destruction. Modern Europeans and Americans feed themselves so badly that the only way to solve the chronic disease problems is to return to fresh, unrefined sources of food, especially foods rich in linoleic and linolenic acids. The best source is fresh linseed oil.
"Why is this the best? I'll tell you. There are two unsaturated double bonds close together in the 18-segment chain of linolenic acid. Because these bonds are close together, the energy is increased-the electron cloud is natural and powerful. It can provide a strong electrical charge for the cell oxidation. This is the natural design of the fatty acid which is capable of incorporating protein to build healthy cell membrane.
"I'll explain. When we analyze fats, we find fatty acid chains with 18 segments. In some places the chain is easily broken; it is loose, and it can absorb water. It is like roughing a smooth silk thread. The thread will absorb dye or water more easily where it has been roughed. It is specifically at these double bond sites that protein is readily incorporated. The fatty acid becomes water soluble by combining with the protein. Without these particular fatty acids, the oxidation enzymes cannot function. A deficiency of these fatty acids means many vital functions will be impaired. First of all, it decreases the person's supply of available oxygen."
And we are right back to Dr. Koch, Dr. Warburg and many others-the beginning of all disease is a lack of oxygen and cell oxidation.
Modern food refining, especially the processing and refining of vegetable oils, which now play such a major role in everyday human nutrition, has robbed us of our source of linolenic acid. This wonder of natural nutrition is found in many oils-and mankind has been squeezing the oil from vegetation for thousands of years.
However, linolenic acid is "polyunsaturated" and will go rancid very quickly, turning from a nutrient to a toxin by losing its natural electrons to oxidation. Vitamin E, always present in natural oils, will prevent rancidity, but refiners remove the tocopherols, heat the oil, destroy the electron clouds and produce a chemically preserved liquid plastic that will never spoil on the supermarket shelf.
Dr. Budwig put it this way: "We have resorted to chemical processes to remove the unsaturateness of these fats. They are easier to handle, easier to market-they won't spoil quickly. But, they have destroyed the marvellous electrical field, they have ruined the ability to incorporate protein. Refinement has taken the very life from them."
No wonder the oil processors didn't like her.
In our opinion, the pioneering research work of Dr. Budwig should be immediately and thoroughly returned to the scientific community so that it may be scrutinized and openly verified by modern scientists.
Now that this issue of Search for Health is out, both the publishers and the readers are in a position to intelligently suggest to government, which holds so many scientific purse strings for all of us, that funding grants for more worthless research should be curbed. Instead a review of the ignored and suppressed works of Budwig, Koch, Gerson et al. must be brought to the full attention of everyone-scientist and layman alike. This will generate individual thinking anew and put health science back on track..
The above article was originally found at www.houseofsteed.com/sons/budwig.htm (the former School of Natural Science, 30 King Edward St. Penguin, Tasmania, Australia, run by the late Dr Frederick J Steed).
1 See simplified background on the cholesterol issue under Budwig FAQ Question 75 re cholesterol level. Additionally, know that elevated cholesterol actually can have anti-cancer benefits, see On the link between cholesterol and cancer incidence: high cholesterol levels associated with lowered cancer risk.