
Forbidden Medicine-Hemp seeds cure tuberculosis


Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious, contagious, airborne disease, referred to as “the Great White Plague” of 19th century Europe. In 1882, the German physician Robert Koch discovered Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB), the bacterium that causes most tuberculosis.


The WHO ranks TB as the second leading cause of death from an infectious disease. There were 8.6 million new TB cases in 2012 and 1.3 million TB deaths. [1]




Also, in 2012, the WHO estimated that 450,000 people (globally) developed MDR-TB (multidrug-resistant tuberculosis). About 9.6% of these cases were XDR-TB (extensively drug-resistant TB). [2]




It’s important to note that TB has always been prevalent in populations that are chronically stressed, and malnourished in some way. For example, in the 19th century, it was the city slum dwellers who were disproportionally afflicted by TB.




Another example was the Scottish/Irish crofters who were nearly starving, having been forcefully evicted from their homes and banished via boats to North America.




A more contemporary example is amongst those populations who are stressed and undernourished with severely weakened immune systems as in AIDS. In these cases, TB frequently develops as an opportunistic, secondary complication. [3]


Sanatoria succeed


Hermann Brehmer, a medical student, had contracted TB and was advised by his doctor to relocate to a healthy climate. He opted for an extended stay in the Himalayas, where he continued his studies and cured his TB. In 1854, he produced a stunning doctoral dissertation titled “Tuberculosis is a Curable Disease.”




Within the same year, he established the first TB sanatorium in the mountain climate of Gorbersdorf, Germany. His protocol consisted of lots of fresh air, sunshine, nutritionally dense food, non-strenuous exercise and fresh, raw milk. Brehmer’s cure was widely hailed as the perfect treatment and in fact became the blueprint for sanatoria around the world. [3]


Hemp seeds cure TB


In 1955 the Tuberculosis Nutrition Study in Czechoslovakia declared that hemp seed was the only food that could cure tuberculosis. After 30 years of research, they discovered that a high protein diet was necessary for successfully treating TB.




The edestin protein found in hemp seed is considered to be the closest to human globulin, easily digested, and was considered the very best protein for treating TB. A report from their earlier clinical work:




The children came to us in a state of more or less depressed nutrition. The tuberculosis (primary and secondary) was confirmed and checked by the Prague doctors, from whom we received the children. The children did not use any other medication, with the exception of colloidal extract of hemp seed. EDEZYM, which was described in part IV. Three times a day the children received soup spoon of Edezym, always a quarter hour before the meal (without a drink), then vitamin B1 and vitamin C. … [T]here is no doubt. that [sic] the treatment was effective. In all cases, without any other medication or treatment procedures, within a usually short time, a healing of the lung or glands disease was accomplished. [4] [5]




A researcher who wrote an article in 1941 for an edition of Science lamented the suppression of hemp seed, as it contained the perfect protein edestin, which is valuable for healing. He wrote “Passage of the Marijuana Law of 1937 has placed restrictions upon trade in hempseed that, in effect, amount to prohibition.”


In the first half of the 1900s, before vaccines or antibiotics were widely implemented, infectious disease deaths dropped by over 90%, including mortality from tuberculosis, pneumonia, bronchitis, influenza and whooping cough.


View evidence here or here.




The physician should not treat the disease but the patient who is suffering from it.” (Maimonides)




Sources for this article include:


[1] http://www.who.int [PDF]


[2] http://www.who.int

[3] http://www.westonaprice.org


[4] https://hemphealer.wordpress.com


[5] http://www.globalhemp.com






Paul Fassa is dedicated to warning others about the current corruption of food and medicine and guiding them towards direction for better health with no restrictions on health freedom.


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Image: Hemp Field, Inner Mongolia by Greg Jordan via Flickr


Forbidden Medicine: Hemp Seeds Cure Tuberculosis  https://realfarmacy.com/forbidden-medicine-hemp-seeds-cure-tuberculosis/