Sunlight makes pleasure chemical in the body
太阳的紫外线可以导致晒黑或晒伤。事实上,一项新的研究发现,它们对大脑的影响远不止于皮肤。研究表明,暴露在紫外线下会使老鼠产生一种感觉良好的化学物质 内啡肽(Endorphin)。这种化学物质也许能解释为什么那么多人觉得有必要晒黑。
高能量、紫外线来自太阳和用于晒黑的特殊灯光。即使人们知道紫外线辐射可能是危险的,但他们仍然有晒黑的危险。皮肤癌的发病率一直在上升。David Fisher想知道原因。他是一位肿瘤学家——一位在波士顿麻省总医院治疗癌症患者的医生。
Bryon Adinoff告诉《科学新闻》,新数据“令人着迷”。这名精神科医生在退伍军人管理局北德州医疗系统和位于达拉斯的德克萨斯大学西南医学中心,在这项新研究中没有任何作用。
Sunlight makes pleasure chemical in the body
Mice made feel-good chemical after exposure to ultraviolet light — and missed that light when the treatments ended
Ultraviolet light from the sun may cause good feelings inside the brain, as well as a tan or burn.
The sun’s ultraviolet rays can cause more than a tan or burn. Indeed, their influence goes more than skin deep — to the brain, a new study finds. It showed that exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light causes mice to make a feel-good chemical. And that chemical may explain why so many people feel compelled to get a tan.
The study also may help explain why people flock to beaches and coasts for relaxation, Steven Feldman told Science News. He studies public health and skin diseases at the Wake Forest University School of Medicine in Winston-Salem, N.C.
“Do you know why people go to the beach on vacation? Why they put [Disney World] in Florida and not in Minnesota, where it’s cooler? Why caves are not more popular as a tourist destination? It’s all because of what these guys studied” in their new research, Feldman says. He did not work on the new study.
High-energy, UV rays come from the sun and the special lights used in tanning booths. Even though people know UV radiation can be dangerous, they continue to risk sunburns for a tan. Rates of skin cancer have been going up. David Fisher wanted to know why. He's an oncologist — a doctor who treats people with cancer — at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston.
“We know [UV light is] dangerous,” Fisher says, but many people choose not to protect themselves.
Fisher and his colleagues exposed mice to a moderate amount of UV light five days a week, for six weeks. The scientists shaved the mice so the light would reach their skin. The animals received an exposure to UV light that was similar to what a fair-skinned person gets after 20 or 30 minutes in the Florida sun.
After just a week of the UV treatment, mice had higher levels of a molecule in their blood called beta-endorphin than did mice not exposed to this radiation. Similar to drugs such as heroin and opium, beta-endorphin activates feel-good processes in the brain. Previous studies had found beta-endorphin in the skin. This new study showed the molecule also ends up in the blood.
UV light didn’t boost beta-endorphin for very long, though. Levels returned to normal a week after the UV treatments stopped. And the mice didn’t seem to have wanted those treatments to end. In fact, they showed signs of an addiction to this light.
Fisher’s group gave a drug, called naloxone (Naa-LOX-ohn), to the UV-treated mice. Doctors prescribe this drug to people who have been abusing heroin. It blocks the places in the brain where heroin triggers the feel-good response. But when a heroin addict receives naxolone, the drug can set off withdrawal symptoms within minutes.
In the UV-treated mice, the drug seemed to block the feel-good effects of UV exposure. It also caused chattering teeth and shaking in the animals. Those symptoms looked similar to what people go through when they are suffering from withdrawal from heroin.
The new data are “fascinating,” Bryon Adinoff told Science News. This psychiatrist at the Veterans Administration North Texas Health Care System and the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, had no role in the new study.
Other studies with people have shown that UV rays make people feel good, Adinoff notes.
“There are a lot of people out there who tan, either on the beach or in indoor salon tanners. And many of these folks report symptoms that are consistent with addiction,” he notes. What's more, UV light boosts activity in parts of the human brain associated with addiction, he and his colleagues have shown.
Still, he argues, the new study falls short of proving the mice had become addicted to UV light. “Addiction means craving, loss of control and tolerance,” he explains. And the new study “didn’t look at any of those things.”
Sunlight makes pleasure chemical in the body | Science News for Students https://www.sciencenewsforstudents.org/article/sunlight-makes-pleasure-chemical-body