Aerobic Glycolysis: Beyond Proliferation
William Jones1和Katiuscia Bianchi1 *
Aerobic Glycolysis: Beyond Proliferation
William Jones1 and Katiuscia Bianchi1,*
The term aerobic glycolyis was coined by Otto Warburg at the beginning of the nineteenth century to explain the unconventional metabolism exhibited by tumor cells.
Warburg noticed that malignant cells prefer to convert glucose to lactate even in the presence of oxygen, in contrast to the metabolism of healthy/differentiated cells, where glucose is usually converted into pyruvate and only converted to lactate in the absence of oxygen.
The conversion of glucose to lactate in anaerobic conditions (absence of oxygen) was already known as anaerobic glycolysis and thus he defined the metabolism of cancer cells as aerobic glycolysis, to underline that the fate of glucose is not determined by the lack of oxygen (1).
The fact that cancer cell metabolism is different from that of normal cells attracted (and still does attract) a lot of interest, since this feature can potentially facilitate selective therapeutic targeting of tumor cells.