一个犹太人、一个元首和癌症突破....奥托 沃伯格.希特勒给世界的礼物

A Jew a Führer and a Cancer Breakthrough….Otto Warburg, Hitler’s Gift to the World













当世界处于战争状态,希特勒和他的政府有条不紊地实施他的最终解决方案,将世界上的犹太人赶走时,有一个犹太人似乎受到了保护。他的名字是奥托·海因里希·奥托 沃伯格(Otto Heinrrich Warburg),他的父亲是犹太人,母亲是基督徒。正是这种配对的命运应该锁定了奥托·海因里希·沃伯格的命运,那时他是一个著名的生理学家、医生和生物化学家已经获得了1931年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖,这是因为他在1923年的研究和发现的癌症的主要和真正原因。在希特勒德国时期,奥托·沃伯格继续他的癌症研究,在这些年里,他能够将癌细胞的癌变状态逆转为正常和健康的细胞。


是什么伟大发现使为他赢得了诺贝尔奖? 他说他的研究证明了癌症有很多继发原因,但只有一个原发和真正的致癌原因。癌症的主要原因是由于体内的毒性和其他继发疾病导致的缺氧。他的研究表明,所有形式的癌症都表现出两种基本的情况。这两种情况是细胞水平缺氧和酸中毒。



奥托·沃伯格发现,他减少细胞氧气需求的35%,在48小时内,细胞就会癌变。奥托 沃伯格说过; 癌症,超越所有其他疾病,有无数的继发原因。但是,即使是癌症,也只有一个主要原因。简单地说,癌症的主要原因是正常体细胞的氧气呼吸被糖的发酵取代。所有正常的体细胞通过呼吸氧气来满足其能量需求,而癌细胞在很大程度上是通过发酵来满足其能量需求的。因此,所有正常的体细胞都是专性需氧 细胞,而所有的癌细胞都是部分厌氧细胞。从生命的物理和化学的角度来看,正常细胞和癌细胞之间的差异是如此之大,以至于我们几乎无法想象出更大的差异。氧气,植物和动物的能量供体,在癌细胞中被取代,取而代之的是一种最低等生物的能量产生反应,即葡萄糖的发酵。





他后来的研究是在纳粹政权的支持下进行的,在把癌细胞带回到健康状态方面取得了惊人的成果。他发现,通过增加高浓度的氧气,将细胞的pH值调到碱性状态,细胞就可以恢复到癌前或非癌前的状态。为此,1944年他获得了第二个诺贝尔生理学和医学奖。作为希特勒统治下的德国犹太人,他不被允许接受这个奖项。这非常具有讽刺意味,因为阿道夫·希特勒似乎在保护他免受其他所有犹太人受到的待遇和最终的解决。他被认为是希特勒在癌症方面的权威,毫无疑问受到了希特勒的保护,似乎希特勒对癌症的恐惧以及他对沃尔伯研究和发现的了解使 沃伯格免于被捕甚至死亡。1941年,由于他的犹太血统,他被纳粹的等级制度剥夺了职位和研究。几周后,他恢复了工作,按照希特勒总理府的命令,重新从事他的癌症研究。


这是什么意思? 这意味着有很多方法可以帮助你的身体治愈癌症。这取决于你去研究,成为那个控制你自己健康和治疗的人。如果你选择的是传统的方式,那么一定要走那条路。但是,如果你想走另一条路考虑这个被忽视的发现,然后做你的研究。养成更健康、更碱性的饮食习惯。去看自然疗法医生或者和你的医生谈谈其他的治疗方法。


当涉及到你的健康、疗愈和生命本身时,知识就是一切。一本必须阅读的书是Suzanne SomersKnockout,里面充满了医生的信息,他们在治疗癌症的过程中使用了所有自然的和可选的方法。这本书还讨论了常规治疗和其他方法。所以你仍然可以做放射和化疗但是还有其他的信息来补充这个疗法。你也可以在网上找到关于使用pH治疗和氧气治疗的优秀文章。pH值信息的一个很棒的网站是www.phkillscancer.com。你可以在www.naturalnews.com上找到有关pH、癌症和氧气治疗的信息。


研究、研究、研究。这就是我要强调的。引述沃伯格博士的话,“今天没有人能说不知道癌症 是什么及其主要原因。相反,没有一种疾病的主要原因是更清楚的,因此,今天,无知不再是一个人不能在预防上做得更多的借口。毫无疑问,癌症的预防将会到来,因为人类希望生存。但是预防将被回避多久,取决于不可知论的先知们在癌症领域成功地抑制科学知识的应用的时间。与此同时,数百万人必然死于不必要的癌症”。




A Jew a Führer and a Cancer Breakthrough….Otto Warburg, Hitler’s Gift to the World

By Daniel


Posted Monday, January 27, 2014 at 01:54pm EDT


Keywords: Adolf Hitler, cancer, Hitler, remedy, WW2




A Jew, a Führer and a Cancer Breakthrough....Hitler's Gift to the World.  http://www.naturalnewsblogs.com/a-jew-a-fuhrer-and-a-cancer-breakthrough-hitlers-gift-to-the-world/




Adolf Hitler brought mankind to the edge of insanity and destruction. Just the sound of his name conjures up thoughts of the evil that he gave life to during his control of the Nazi regime. His wholesale slaughter of 6 million Jews just because they were Jews is unprecedented in modern history. No other man in history has such a legacy of shame and destruction. No one was safe against the tyrannical madness of this man and his followers. Children, women and men of every race and nationality were targeted and murdered at the whim of Adolf Hitler. Jews especially were murdered without any chance of being saved or spared under his rule. Even the slightest bit of Jewish bloodline would bring about retaliation and eventual death by horrible means. No Jew was to be spared in his “Final Solution” program.


On May 23, 1935 Adolf Hitler underwent surgery to remove a polyp on his larynx. Hitler was known to have an extreme fear of cancer. He believed he had stomach cancer due to an ongoing and constant problem with indigestion and flatulence. The growth of a polyp in his throat only made his fear of cancer increase and no assurance from his doctor could sway his belief nor ease his fears. He was positive he had throat cancer along with stomach cancer.


It was this fear that gave the world a gift that has been ignored but is possibly the greatest discovery related to cancer. In fact, his fear of cancer enabled and allowed the ongoing research into the PRIMARY CAUSE of cancer and its reversal. It is this knowledge that has within its own information the cure for cancer. Sadly, the discovery has been ignored and no one or no entity within modern and traditional medicine has embraced the information to bring about a cure.


As the world was at war and Hitler and his government were methodically implementing his Final Solution to rid the world of Jews, there was one Jew that was seemingly protected. His name was Otto Heinrich Warburg and he was born of a Jewish father and a Christian mother. It was this pairing that should have sealed the fate of Otto Warburg who by that time was a distinguished physiologist, medical doctor and a biochemist that had already received a Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1931 for his research and discovery in 1923 of the primary and real cause of cancer. During the Hitler Germany years, Otto Warburg continued his research into cancer and it was during these years that he was able to reverse the cancerous state of cells back into normal and healthy cells.


What was this great discovery that Otto made that earned him the Nobel Prize? He stated that his research proved that there are many secondary causes of cancer but that there is only one Primary and real cause of cancer. This primary cause of cancer is oxygen deficiency brought about by toxicity and other secondary conditions in the body. His research demonstrated that all forms of cancer have two basic conditions present. These two conditions are a lack of oxygen at the cellular level (hypoxia) and acidosis.


What Otto Warburg discovered was that he could deprive a cell of 35% of its oxygen needs and within 48 hours it could turn cancerous. Otto Warburg said the following; “Cancer, above all other diseases, has countless secondary causes. But, even for cancer, there is only one prime cause. Summarized in a few words, the prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar. All normal body cells meet their energy needs by respiration of oxygen, whereas cancer cells meet their energy needs in great part by fermentation. All normal body cells are thus obligate aerobes, whereas all cancer cells are partial anaerobes. From the standpoint of the physics and chemistry of life this difference between normal and cancer cells is so great that one can scarcely picture a greater difference. Oxygen gas, the donor of energy in plants and animals is dethroned in the cancer cells and replaced by an energy yielding reaction of the lowest living forms, namely, a fermentation of glucose.”


Simply put, healthy cells will remain healthy as long as they are in an alkaline condition with proper oxygen supply to support cellular respiration whereas cancerous cells must have an environment of acidosis (acidic) and no oxygen. This obviously is a very simple generalization but his research has pinpointed the cause that has been ignored.


His later research, which was done under the auspices of the Nazi regime, brought about amazing results in bringing cancer cells back to a healthy state. He found that by adding back a higher concentration of oxygen and bringing the cell Ph level to an alkaline state that the cell could be brought back to a precancerous or noncancerous state. For this he was awarded a second Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine. Being a Jew in Germany under Hitler’s rule, he was not allowed to accept the award. This is very ironic in that Adolf Hitler seemed to protect him from the treatment and “Final Solution” that all other Jews were being subjected to. He was known to be Hitler’s authority on cancer and undoubtedly was protected by Hitler. .It seems that Hitler’s fear of cancer and his knowledge of Warburg’s research and discoveries may have spared Otto from arrest and even death.  During the year 1941, because of his Jewish bloodline, he was removed from his position and research by the Nazi hierarchy. Within a few weeks he was reinstated to resume work on his cancer research per a personal order from Hitler’s Chancellery.


What does this mean? It means that there are ways to help your body cure cancer. It is up to you to research and become the one who takes control of your own health and healing. If the conventional way is your choice then by all means go that route. But, if you would like to go a more alternative routhe that considers this discovery which has been ignored then do your research. Get your eating habits to a healthier more alkaline diet. Go to a naturopathic doctor or talk to your doctor about alternative treatments.


Knowledge is everything when it comes to your health, healing and life itself. A must read book full of information from medical doctors that are using all natural and alternative methods in curing cancer is “Knockout” by Suzanne Somers. This book also addresses having conventional treatment along with alternative methods. So you can still do the radiation and chemo but have other information to supplement that protocol. You can also find excellent articles online about using Ph treatments and oxygen treatments. An awesome site for Ph information is www.phkillscancer.com. You can find informative articles about Ph and cancer and oxygen treatments by searching them onwww.naturalnews.com.


Research, research, research. That is what I can and will stress here.  In the words of Dr. Warburg…. “But nobody today can say that one does not know what cancer and its prime cause is. On the contrary, there is no disease whose prime cause is better known, so that today ignorance is no longer an excuse that one cannot do more about prevention. That the prevention of cancer will come there is no doubt, for man wishes to survive. But how long prevention will be avoided depends on how long the prophets of agnosticism will succeed in inhibiting the application of scientific knowledge in the cancer field. In the meantime, millions of men must die of cancer unnecessarily.”


