瑞典Karolinska 学院 含糖饮料增加了91%患胰腺癌的风险

Soft Drinks Increase Risk of Pancreatic Cancer 91%


2006年11月发表在《美国临床营养学杂志》(American Journal of Clinical Nutrition)上的一项研究表明,甜食和饮料会增加患胰腺癌的风险。软饮料、加工食品中的糖和咖啡是最常见的增加风险的方式。


软饮料增加了91%患胰腺癌的风险 , 那些一天喝两次或更多的人比那些从不喝的人有91%更高的风险










胰腺癌是最致命的也是最难治疗的癌症之一。一旦确诊,大多数病人在三个月内都无法存活。你真的想增加患病的风险吗? 好吧,停止喝苏打水,人工加糖的苏打水是很糟糕的替代品。





苏珊娜·C·拉尔森,雷夫·柏克维斯特和艾丽卡·沃克。在一项前瞻性研究中,糖和含糖食品的摄入与胰腺癌的风险。美国临床营养学杂志2006年11月;84(5):1171 - 1176。




Soft Drinks Increase Risk of Pancreatic Cancer 91%

Sweetened foods and drinks increase the risk of developing pancreatic cancer, according to a study published November 2006 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Soft drinks and sugar in processed foods and coffee are among the most common ways the risk is increased.

Some 80,000 men and women had their dietary habits monitored between 1997 and 2005. By the end of the study, 131 had pancreatic cancer.

Most at risk were those who drank soft drinks; those who drank them twice a day or more had a 91 percent higher risk than those who never drank them at all. People who added sugar to food or drinks (e.g. coffee) at least five times a day ran a 70 percent greater risk than those who refrained from doing so.

Those who ate fruit jam or jelly at least once a day also ran a 50 percent higher risk than those who never ate the product.

Pancreatic cancer may be caused when the pancreas produces increased levels of insulin; high sugar consumption is a well-known way of increasing insulin production.

Dr. Otto Warburg received a Nobel prize over 75 years ago for discovering that cancer thrives in an anaerobic environment, fed by sugar. Sadly, physicians fail to appreciate the enormous influence that sugar has on cancer growth and coach their patients to limit sugar intake.

Pancreatic cancer is one of the deadliest and most difficult cancers to treat. Once diagnosed most patients are not alive in three months. Do you really want to increase your risk of getting it? Well, stop drinking soda, and artificially sweetened soda is a poor substitute.

Consider stevia as an alternative zero-calorie, zero-glycemic sweetener.


Susanna C Larsson, Leif Bergkvist and Alicja Wolk. Consumption of sugar and sugar-sweetened foods and the risk of pancreatic cancer in a prospective study. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition November 2006; 84(5): 1171-1176.

Key concepts: soda, soft drink, sugar, pancreatic cancer
