
Lift Weights to Burn Fat






1.     保持肌肉质量。如果你为了减肥而节食,那么你不仅有减肥的危险,而且有减掉肌肉的危险。肌肉具有代谢活性,所以当你失去它时,你也失去了多余的卡路里消耗肌肉。




2.     提高你的新陈代谢率。节食减肥法可以降低一个人一天的新陈代谢率,最高可达20%。举重和保持肌肉有助于保持新陈代谢率,即使你在减少卡路里摄入。



3.     帮助你燃烧额外的卡路里。如果你以更高的强度举重,你可以增加你的余热,或者你锻炼后燃烧的卡路里。这意味着你不仅在锻炼过程中消耗了卡路里,你的身体在锻炼后仍然在燃烧卡路里。







Lift Weights to Burn Fat

Adding more muscle by lifting weights and doing other resistance exercises can also help with burning fat, especially if you're also dieting. While many people focus more on cardio for weight loss, there's no doubt that strength training is a key component in any weight loss routine.


Just some of the benefits include:


Preserves muscle mass. If you diet to lose weight, you actually risk losing muscle as well as fat. Muscle is metabolically active, so when you lose it, you also lose the extra calorie-burn muscles can provide.

Keeps your metabolism going. A diet-only approach to weight loss could lower a person's resting metabolic rate by up to 20 percent a day. Lifting weights and maintaining muscle helps keep the metabolism up, even if you're cutting your calories.

Helps you burn extra calories. If you lift weights at a higher intensity, you can actually increase your afterburn, or the calories you burn after your workout. That means that you burn calories during your workouts, but your body continues to burn calories even after your workout to allow your body to get back to its pre-existing state.

To start, choose a basic total body workout and do that about twice a week, with at least one day in between. As you get stronger, you can do more exercises, lift more weight, or add more days of strength training. It may take a few weeks but you'll eventually see and feel a difference in your body.



3 Ways to Burn More Fat With Exercise  https://www.verywellfit.com/body-into-fat-burning-machine-1231548