

Healthy skin cells produce small of hydrogen peroxide exposed to sunlight










在人体中,过氧化氢主要产生于三个地方: 肺、肠和甲状腺。因为过氧化氢和负责生产其他活性氧分子的蛋白质, 主要出现在肺部和肠道, 研究者推测与这些发现相关的人类疾病包括涉及白细胞异常水平的肺和肠道疾病如哮喘、慢性阻塞性肺病和某些炎症性肠道疾病。










All of life's vital processes depend upon the presence of H2O2, and H2O2 is required in order for the immune system to defend the body against pathogens. The white blood cells in the body that fight infection (known as granulocytes) produce H2O2 as a first line of defense against invading organisms like parasites, viruses, bacteria and yeast. Some of the biological killing activity of H202 can be attributed to gamma interferon (IFNs). The production of gamma interferon by human natural killer cells and monocytes, is stimulated by the presence of H202


Health skin cells and red blood cell produce small amount of H2O2


When skin and blood vessel in the dermis are exposed to sunlight, H2O2 is produces, work as  a signal to summons white blood cells to the injured/inflamed site;


 in the human body, hydrogen peroxide is produced primarily in three places: lung, gut, and thyroid gland. Because hydrogen peroxide, and the proteins responsible for producing other ROS molecules, are especially present in lung and gut, the researchers hypothesize that human diseases relevant to these findings would include any in the lung and gut that involve disproportionate levels of white blood cells, like asthma, chronic pulmonary obstruction, and some inflammatory gut diseases.


The production of hydrogen peroxide from the skin's exposure to UV light, photo-oxidation, has been studied for over 20 years.  A landmark study was done by Setlow and Timmons et al  demonstrates the rapid production of hydrogen peroxide of human skin cells when exposed to light and studies the wavelengths of UV light that cause photo-oxidation. 

The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center published a study entitled, "Molecular response of nasal mucosa to therapeutic exposure to broad-band ultraviolet radiation". In their study they exposed both human subjects and EpiAirway or nasal tissues to UV light. Their study concluded,"Response of respiratory epithelia is very similar to that of the human epidermis". In other words, the skin in your nose, throat, and ear is the same as the skin on your arms and has the same resistance and response to UV light. An additional study done by Iwai showed minimal disturbance of the epidermis at 5 J/cm^2. The suggested daily UV-Aid dosage is 0.3 J/cm^2 equivalent to less than one second of sun exposure.