Intravenous Ascorbate as a Chemotherapeutic and Biologic Response Modifying Agent
By The Center's Bio-Communications Research Institute
对使用大剂量静脉滴注抗坏血酸(维生素C)这个方案治疗患有糖尿病的癌症病人的卫生保健工作者的重要提示 现已观察到,在接受维生素C静脉滴注后4个小时内,大剂量静脉滴注维生素C(15克或更多)将使血糖试纸在血糖仪读成一个“假阳性”。如果血液从静脉抽取,并在实验室提取血清,就没有这种干扰。因为一些尚未知道的原因,试纸把高水平的抗坏血酸认作是葡萄糖。 请提醒糖尿病病人这种潜在的复杂性。再次重申,它是在试纸上产生的一个“假阳性”——真正的血糖并没有改变。 |
12年前,我们使用30克抗坏血酸静脉滴注,每周2次,并且发现,一名男性因原发性肾细胞癌而转移到肺和肝的肿瘤在几周之内消失了。(1) 当时,我们相信IAA帮助癌症病人的机理只是通过二种生物反应调节剂机制:增加细胞外胶原蛋白的合成(正如卡梅隆(Cameron)和鲍林(Pauling)所认为的,“阻隔”肿瘤)以及免疫功能的增强。我们后来报告了一例使用静脉滴注抗坏血酸100克,每周1次或2次,令一名病人的原发性乳腺癌导致的骨转移肿瘤消退(2)。
后来,我们检测接受IAA的病人的血清样本,并且证实了AA浓度可以达到对(体外)癌细胞有毒性的水平。使用密集生长的单层细胞、三维中空纤维肿瘤模型,以及人类血清作为培养基,以模拟发生在体内的环境。我们发现,400 mg/dL的浓度可以杀灭几乎所有类型的癌细胞。最初,我们报告40 mg/dL已经足够(3)。这些早期的资料从体外研究,使用稀疏生长的细胞层,以及标准培养基所得。
图1 显示在人血清培养基密集生长的4种人类肿瘤细胞系对不断增加剂量的抗坏血酸的反应(
注释:survival%=生存率; Ascorbate=抗坏血酸
图1: Mia PaCa-2(人类胰腺癌)细胞系对抗坏血酸钠(12个样本的平均数)的反应。SK-MEL-28 (人类黑色素瘤), SW-620 (人类结肠癌),以及 U-2-OS (人类骨肉瘤)全部都来自ATCC, Rockville, MD。结果反映所有生存的细胞数。维持培养基是DMEM高葡萄糖培养基(Irvine Sci.),+10%热灭活胎牛血清+抗生素+两性霉素B,5%CO2 湿润培养器,设在摄氏37度。实验培养基分别是来自诊断为各种肿瘤的病人的血清。在加入抗坏血酸钠后培养3天。在96个培养皿种入24000个癌细胞。活细胞的绝对数量使用之前描述的微板块荧光计方法测定(16)。
注释: Plasma ascorbate(mg/Dl)=血浆抗坏血酸浓度(mg/Dl); Time(minutes)=时间(分钟)
图2:65克抗坏血酸加入500毫升注射用水,以每分钟1克的速度的静脉滴注过程中的血清抗坏血酸浓度。全血是在接受输液的另一侧手臂的肘前静脉通过静脉留针取得的。血清AA浓度使用高敏感度液体色谱仪测定。患者1(Patient 1)是一名74岁男性,被诊断为没有发生转移的前列腺癌,他在这个研究前的过去的二年接受了超过30次IAA 静脉滴注。患者2(Patient 2)是一名50岁的男性,患有霍金氏淋巴瘤,在这个研究之前接受过16次IAA静脉滴注。患者3(Patient 3)是一名69岁的男性,患有空肠的转移性瘤,在这个研究前接受了16次IAA静脉滴注。
图2描述三个代表性病人给予65克抗坏血酸65分钟后的血清抗坏血酸水平。患者1患有局部性前列腺癌,已经临床治愈。并且在过去曾接受IAA治疗。他取得一个峰值血清浓度702 mg/dL。患者2和3,分别患有非霍金氏瘤和空肠的转移性瘤。在这个检测前,接受过几次IAA静滴,然而,取得更低的血清AA浓度309 mg/dL (患者 3)和396 mg/dL (患者 2)。
1. 虽然在文章中只报道过一例,一次单一的10克AA静脉注射导致肿瘤坏死、出血和继发性死亡,正如由卡梅隆(Campbell)和杰克(Jack)(10)所报道的,应该被视为IAA对癌症病人的首要安全考虑。由于这个原因,我们总是从小剂量开始(看静脉滴注部分)。
2. 另一个报告描述一个有双侧输尿管阻塞以及肾功能不全的病人在接受60克IAA治疗后出现的草酸盐肾病(11)。我们亦听讲过一名每天接受IAA治疗的结肠癌病人,出现恶心和呕吐并且因为脱水而住院(12)。二个病例均显示需要保证病人有良好的肾功能、体液充足以及有排尿能力。为此,我们的基本实验室检查包括血清生化学检查以及尿液分析。
3. 出血可能发生在红细胞中葡萄糖-6-磷酸胶氢酶(G6PD)缺乏的病人。我们因此在开始IAA静滴前检测所有病人的G6PD。
4. 静滴部位的局部疼痛可能会出现,如果静滴速度过快。这常常可经减慢速度而纠正。
5. 因为抗坏血酸是一种螯合剂,某些人可能会因为血清钙水平低而出现抽搐。这个可以用缓慢(每分钟1 cc)静脉推注10 cc葡萄糖酸钙治疗。
8. 正如任何的静脉滴注部位一样,血管渗透常常是可能的。
9. 抗坏血酸应该只是由静脉滴注。它绝不应该经静脉推注,因为大剂量的同渗重摩可以令外周血管硬化,也不应该由肌肉或皮下注射。经常要衡量液体容量和同渗重摩的问题。我们发现一个小于1200 milliOsmal的同渗重摩(渗透压)可以被大多数病人耐受(表1,可以参看原文件). 。
表1各种不同数量的抗坏血酸钠/抗坏血酸在注射用水和林格氏乳酸液(mOsm; 等渗= 300 mOsm)的渗透压。高渗混合液加了下画线:使用的混合液从等渗~1200 mOsm,用粗字体表示。在加入浓缩的抗坏血酸钠/抗坏血酸溶液前(500 mg/mL),一个相等容量的IV溶液从袋或瓶中抽取。
注释:Sodium Ascorbate=抗坏血酸钠; Ascorbic Acid=抗坏血酸; Final Volume of Sterile Water=注射用水最后容量 Final Volume of Ringer’s Lactate= 林格氏乳酸液最后容量
milliOsmal (mOsm)。AA的剂量小于15克,我们用林格氏乳酸液(RL)稀释。而更大的剂量,用注射用水稀释。我们现在使用一种抗坏血酸钠/抗坏血酸混合物,每1摩尔抗坏血酸包含0.91摩尔钠(500 毫克 抗坏血酸/毫升, pH 值5.5-7.0, 生产商:
Merit Pharmaceuticals, Los Angeles, California, and Maclaskey Pharmaceuticals,
Wichita, Kansas)。表1显示常用溶液的同渗重摩(渗透压)。
正如在注意事项指出的, 15克AA,溶于250 mL 格林氏液在1个小时内滴注完毕是建议的一个小的开始剂量。要密切关注病人可能出现的任何不良效果。然后,剂量逐渐增加。滴注速度不应超过每分钟1克AA;大多数人都可以耐受每分钟0.5克。虽然通常会由于日程安排和耐受程度不同而有变化,一个典型的方案将由以下滴注组成:
之后,剂量调整为要取得瞬间400 mg/dL的血清浓度。
N-乙酰半胱氨酸(生产商:Vitamin Research Products, Carson City, NV),500 毫克, 口服, 每天一次;
beta-1,3- 葡聚糖(一种巨噬细胞激活剂, 生产商: NSC-24, Nutrition Supply Corp., Carson City, NV), 2.5毫克,每次3片,口服,每天一次;
鱼油(超级EPA, 生产商:Bronson Pharmaceuticals, St. Louis, MO; 含300 mg二十烷王烯酸, 200 mg 二十二碳六烯酸), 1 粒,口服,每天三次;
维生素C, 9克,口服;
beta-胡萝卜素 (Beta Carotene 25, 生产商: Miller Pharmacal Group, Inc., Carol Stream, IL), 每次25,000 单位,口服,每天二次;
L-苏氨酸(生产商:The Solgar Vitamin Co, Inc., Lynbrook, NY), 500毫克,口服每天一次 (纠正实验室检查血清发现的缺乏);
杆状乳酸菌(Lateroflora, International Bio-Tech U.S.A., San Marcos, CA), 280毫克,每次服2片,每天一次。治疗肠道酵母菌/念株菌感染;
复方肌醇烟酸酯 (生产商:Niaplex, Karuna Corp., Novato, CA; 含500 毫克 烟酸, 100 微克 铬)每次2片,口服,每天一次;
by The Center for the Improvement of Human Functioning, International, Inc., Bio-Communications Research Institute. Reprinted with permission. (Emphasis added by DoctorYourself.com editor Andrew Saul) Additional research papers may be read athttp://brightspot.org/cresearch/index.shtml
Introduction Twelve years ago, we used infusions of 30 grams of intravenous ascorbic acid, twice per week, and found that metastatic lesions in the lung and liver of a man with a primary renal cell carcinoma disappeared in a matter of weeks (1). At that time we believed IAA was useful for patients with cancer solely through two biological response modifier mechanisms: increased production of extracellular collagen ("walling off' the tumor as proposed by Cameron and Pauling) and enhancement of immune function. We subsequently reported a case of resolution of bone metastases in a patient with primary breast cancer (1A) using infusions of 100 grams, once or twice per week (2). In a recent publication (3) we presented evidence that ascorbic acid and its salts (AA) could be more than biological response modifiers. We found that ascorbic acid is preferentially toxic to tumor cells suggesting that it could be useful as a chemotherapeutic agent. Preferential toxicity occurred in vitro in multiple tumor cell types. We also presented data suggesting that plasma concentrations of ascorbate required for killing tumor cells were achievable in humans. Others have described in vivo toxicity in multiple tumor types and animal models (4-8). Here we wish to summarize our experience using IAA for approximately 50 patients with cancer. We include our protocol, precautions, and case studies of two patients treated for metastatic renal cell carcinoma.
Treatment rationale Tumor cells are more susceptible to the effects of high-dose, ascorbate-induced peroxidation products because of a relative catalase deficiency; and, Concentrations of ascorbate high enough to kill tumor cells likely can be achieved in humans. Subsequently we tested samples of human serum from patients receiving IAA, and confirmed that AA concentrations can reach levels that are cytotoxic to tumor cells in vitro. Using densely populated monolayers, three-dimensional hollow-fiber tumor models, and human serum as a growth medium to closely mimic what occurs in vivo, we found that an AA concentration of 400 mg/dL effectively kills most tumor cell types. Originally we reported that a concentration of 40 mg/dL was adequate (3). Those early data were generated from in vitro studies using sparsely populated cell monolayers and standard tissue culture medium Figure 1 (which may be seen in the original paper posted at http://brightspot.org/cresearch/intravenousc2.shtml) shows the responses to increasing doses of ascorbate of four human tumor cell lines grown in dense monolayers in a medium of human serum.
Figure 1 Caption:
Figure 2 Caption: Figure 2 depicts plasma ascorbate levels of three representative patients given 65 grams of ascorbate over 65 minutes. Patient 1 with localized prostate cancer was clinically well and had received IAA in the past; he achieved a peak plasma concentration of 702 mg/dL. Patients 2 and 3, had diagnoses of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, and metastatic carcinoma of the jejunum, respectively. Both had received several IAA infusions at the time of study, yet achieved lower plasma AA concentrations of 309 mg/dL (patient 3), and 396 mg/dL (patient 2). From the data in both Figures 1 and 2, one can see that the concentrations required to kill tumor cells can be achieved at least briefly in human plasma. Figure 2 suggests the need to measure post-IAA plasma ascorbate concentrations to determine if patients are achieving what we expect are adequate concentrations. Infusion Protocol
Treatment choice Cases of treatment failure using proven methods cases with no known effective treatments; and, Cases in which it is used as an adjunct to proven treatments. Because IAA treatment is experimental an appropriate informed consent form should be read, understood, and signed by the patient.
Precautions and side effects 1. Although it has been reported only once in the literature, tumor necrosis, hemorrhage, and subsequent death after a single intravenous 10 gram dose of AA, as reported by Campbell and Jack (10), should be the highest priority concern for the safety of IAA for cancer patients. For this reason, we always begin with a small dose (see Infusion). 2. Another report described acute oxalate nephropathy in a patient with bilateral ureteric obstruction and renal insufficiency who received 60 gram IAA (11). We have also heard one case report of a patient with colon carcinoma, receiving daily IAA, who developed nausea and vomiting and was hospitalized for dehydration (12). Both cases show the need to ensure that patients have adequate renal function, hydration, and urinary voiding capacity. To these ends, our baseline lab tests include a serum chemistry profile and urinalysis. 3. Hemolysis can occur in patients with a red cell glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency. We therefore test G6PD on all patients before beginning IAA infusions. 4. Localized pain at the infusion site can occur if the infusion rate is too high. This is usually corrected by slowing the rate. 5. Because ascorbate is a chelating agent, some individuals may experience shaking due to low serum calcium. This is treated by a slow (1 cc per minute) intravenous push of 10 cc's of calcium gluconate. 6. Rivers (13) reported that high dose IAA is contraindicated in renal insufficiency, chronic hemodialysis patients, unusual forms of iron overload, and oxalate stone formers. However, oxalate stone formation may be considered a relative contraindication. Two groups of researchers (14,15) demonstrated that magnesium oxide (300 rng/d orally) and vitamin B6 (10 mg/d orally) inhibited oxalate stone formation in stone formers. 7. Given the amount of fluid which is used as a vehicle for the ascorbate and the sodium hydroxide/sodium bicarbonate used to adjust the pH, any condition which could be adversely affected by increased fluid or sodium is relatively contraindicated. For example: congestive heart failure, ascites, edema, etc. 8. As with any intravenous site, infiltration is always possible. 9. Ascorbate should only be given by intravenous drip. It should never be given IV push, as the osmolality of high doses are capable of sclerosing peripheral veins, nor should it be given intramuscularly or subcutaneously. There is always a trade-off between fluid volume and osmolality. We have found an osmolality of less than 1200 milliOsmal to be tolerated well by most patients (Table 1, which may be seen in the original paper).
Baseline work-up
Serum chemistry profile with electrolytes
Table 1 Caption:
Infusion solution
Week 1: 1 x 15 g infusion per day, 2-3 per
week The dose is then adjusted to achieve transient plasma concentrations of 400 mg/dL, 2-3 infusions per week. According to our working hypothesis, the goal of the infusions is to raise plasma ascorbate concentration above the tumor-cytotoxic level for as long as possible. Because the ascorbate is so readily cleared by the kidney, the optimal infusion rate will result in tumor-cytotoxic plasma levels of ascorbate for the longest time periods--and hopefully, maximum tumor cell killing. We advise patients to orally supplement with 4 grams ascorbate daily, especially on the days when no infusions are made, to help prevent a possible scorbutic "rebound effect."
Case histories We have seen only two cases of metastatic renal cell carcinoma, considered a uniformly untreatable disease. Because the results were so dramatic, people with this disease could potentially benefit the most from IAA treatment. Following are those two cases.
Case 1 She continued IAA treatments until June 1997 when another chest x-ray film revealed resolution of 7 of the 8 masses, and reduction in the size of the 8th. According to the medical imaging report, "The nodular infiltrates seen previously in the right lung and overlying the heart are no longer evident and the nodular infiltrate seen in left upper lung field has shown marked Interval decrease in size and only vague suggestion of an approximately I cm density." The patient discontinued IAA treatments in June 1997. She has continued on an oral nutritional support program since that time, and at this writing (December 1997) is well with no evidence of progression.
Case 2
In March 1986 the patient was seen in our
clinic (1). He decided not to undergo ". . . the patient returns feeling well. His exam is totally normal. His chest x-ray shows a dramatic improvement in pulmonary nodules compared to six weeks ago. The periaortic lymphadenopathy is completely resolved..., either he has had a viral infection with pulmonary lesions with lymphadenopathy that has resolved or (2) he really did have recurrent kidney cancer which is responding to your vitamin C therapy." The oncology report in July 1996 stated, "there is no evidence of progressive cancer. He looks well . . . chest x-ray today is totally normal. The pulmonary nodules are completely gone. There is no evidence of lung metastasis, liver metastasis or lymph node metastasis today, whatsoever." In 1986 the patient received 30 g infusions twice-weekly for 7 months. The treatments were then reduced to once per week for 8 more months. For an additional 6 months he received weekly, 15 g IAA infusions. During and after treatments, the patient reported no toxicities, and his blood chemistry profiles and urine studies were normal. The patient continued well, and was seen periodically at our clinic until early 1997 when he died, cancer-free, at age 82, 12 years after diagnosis.
Neil H. Riordan, PA-C
The Center for the Improvement of Human
Functioning, International, Inc.
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