中国万幸乙型肝炎防治指南 (2015年版)

“I left my home in the marshall islands after being diagnosed with hepatitis b and liver cirrhosis and being told that nothing could be done for me there. i eventually moved to Hawaii with my family, received a liver transplant, and made it through a very difficult recovery period. After this experience, my wife and i developed an education project, in collaboration with Hep Free Hawaii, to increase hepatitis b awareness among micronesian communities living in hawaii.

Why an HBV cure is important to me: A cure is important to me because hbV is one of the leading causes of death in my country. so many people have died and many others are awaiting their turns because of lack of a cure to save lives. i’m optimistic that one day a cure for hbV will be found."

   Kenson, 53 Honolulu, Hawaii
